Convoy L6 UV Rock hunter build 10W+ LED -need build advice

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Hey guys,

I’m new to the hobby and I’d love to buy one of these lights already modded, etc. another guy recommended this:

“ Convoy C8 with a buck driver, 2 cells, 42mm ZWB2 filter and LG led uv”

But I can’t find it for sale anywhere. Is that the best one to get do you think? Cost is not an issue

Thanks in advance for any advice for a noobee

Get the original here:

Mark, that looks awesome! It looks like it’s only 1.5 amp though. I was reading back through the thread and it looked like you want the 4.5 amp buck driver though, right?



No, 1.5A is about the max for the LED in that light. We have driven them at 2.2A but they get hot real fast and I doubt the longevity.

Hey Mark, thanks again. I just ordered it. Really excited to get this thing…

Really glad I joined this forum. Everyone I know can’t understand why I’m “obsessed” with flashlights and now I know I’m not alone :slight_smile: I told my buddy that I ordered the Imalent MS18 and he said “Why do you need that? Are you trying to find something on the ground at night from really far away?”

I have the feeling that there are others on this forum who get excited when they tear the box open and pull out the new flashlight

Probably a good idea to get some UV safety glasses huh? I have ones for my lasers but none for this wavelength

Polycarbonate safety glasses. They are cheap and block UV well.

Wonder what a similar mod, Sofirn C8F, and 4.5A buck driver gets ya :wink:

Thank you my friend! I’m on Amazon right now but there are a million different pair… Trying to find some that I won’t look like a complete idiot if I wear walking around outside :slight_smile: Do you remember what brand you have?

It’s nice: UV triple using Sofirn C8F