Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

Wellp, it’s so scorching hot today, I’m gonna go alter my DNA with a nice long soak in a frosty bathtub.

Gotta go channel my inner monkey…

Wouldn’t a gene pool be more effective for that?

No way! All that chlorine denatures my DNA…

My guess is they see it as a potential liability issue - encouraging people to get too close together on a bench.

> may not have originated ….


I wonder if anyone has checked migratory birds???

Maybe interesting for some. Talks about how Canada and the US had different approaches to the virus with vastly different outcomes.

^This is a good indication of how people react in a crisis as a country. Good job Canada.

Oh Canada, way to go eh. If only we could learn from such examples.

It saps and impurifies all of our precious bodily fluids.

Probably some corporate policy to make you feel like:

i heard an interview with a Miami-Dade County Medical Doctor, Dr. Aileen Marty, who said there is no such thing as an asymptomatic patient. Even the children and young adults who tested positive but felt fine and did not require hospitalization, 67% were showing scarring and lung damage in xray scans.

In medicine, a disease is considered asymptomatic if a patient is a carrier for a disease or infection but experiences no symptoms. And when you experience no symptoms, you don’t feel the need to see a doctor about it. And you might never know you have or had it. A disease does not always harm the well-being of you, or of any other asymptomatic patient. One thing does not exclude the other. Diseases that might be asymptomatic are herpes, HIV, influenza, measles and osteoporosis.

True, there is a difference between no symptoms at all, and symptoms that are difficult to detect. Someone could contract COVID19 and run a slight fever, hardly noticing it, then a week later it’s gone. Or someone feels like they’ve got a minor chest cold that lingers, then goes away… meanwhile, it was COVID-19 and lung scarring occurred.

They’re Lying About Covid… Yet The Fear-Filled Public Still Believes
The daily death count has morphed into the daily “new case” count, as 100,000 tests a day have exploded into 700,000 tests. Is it a wonder cases are increasing?

More on iodine - the virus killer >>>

Killing coronavirus on contact

UConn Health Researchers Find a Simple Oral Rinse Can Inactivate the COVID-19 Virus

This Virus is as dangerous as a spoon of cinnamon?

Is the Xray scan the only way to notice the scarring and lung damage ?

My understanding and experience:

Xray films are the quickest and cheapest type of chest exam that will show abnormal lungs, scarring, swollen lymph nodes, pneumonia, granuloma, sarcoid, etc.

Computed Tomography or xray CAT scans are more pricey but show more detail and can be used to monitor the size and growth of sarcoid, etc.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI scans are the most expensive and show the most precision detail.

Most doctors seem to start with the low cost exams and then order additional scans depending upon what they find. Certain things can be ruled out from scans, but in some cases a biopsy procedure is needed to rule out or exclude various conditions.

I’ve been following the MATH+ treatment protocol for severe COVID 19 cases for a few weeks. This site just put up a good article about it:

Main web site:

The idea that someone could get sudden, serious lung scarring or something like that from Covid, and never feel any breathing problem or other symptoms, strains credulity.

But what better way to scare the bejeezus out of everyone!

Wellp, were there before’n’after pix (x-rays)? Were they smokers? Lotta “what if”s to the story.