Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

Or maybe I’m totally wrong… :smiley:
From jeff51’s article:

That’s not the first time I’ve heard of “cellular immunity” to this. So still tons of stuff that nobody knows for sure yet.

Yes, I agree. Either the concentration of antibodies from survival of the virus is weak enough to perhaps be insufficient to fight off another infection, or the vaccine introduces a more robust version of the antibodies that can do a better job of it.

uh, ok. Why don't you get it first and tell us how it went. I'll check with you in 10-15 years to see if there were any side effects. Sometimes I wonder about you guys when you make statements like that.

the antibody tests are relatively accurate
it is the virus test that is unreliable
according to my Ph.D Cancer Biology daughter

the roommate went to New York in March and got sick for 2 weeks, then came home to California.

the antibody test in May, was the first confirmation that she had Corona, it was neither diagnosed nor tested for in March.

you can take it to the bank, until you develop new data, that this sample of one, indicates corona antibodies are extinguished in 3 months…

and the fact the antibodies were detected, pretty much negates the line of reasoning that people are overcoming Corona, without having any antibodies afterwards…

Occams razor
the simplest answer is closest to the truth

you get sick, you get antibodies, when the antibodies are gone, you are no longer immune

some things make you sick and you get antibodies that last a lifetime, some last 3 months, and for some, you remain a carrier for life, such as herpes…

corona at least, seems to clear the body… not like herpes, but also does not produce permanent antibodies… like measles does… or a polio vaccine…

just my thoughts… not meaning to argue, just brainstorm

+1 klr, when pressured and rushed to find an answer so the economy can get back to greater than its ever been, then accidents are bound to happen.

Got to get back to work to earn a living—but you won’t need money much if you ain’t living.

Job #1 is survival.

That sounds likely. Maybe not what we want to hear, but seems like a good chance to be true.

It’s quite simple, really. They’ll inject us with nanobots that rewrite our DNA to be immune to Coronaviruses. Problem solved! :partying_face: (If you don’t mind having your DNA altered, that is.) :nerd_face:

I’ll stick with silver…

estimates derived from confirmed cases plus antibody testing results, suggest the actual infection rate is 12x the confirmed number

by those measures
1 out of 10 people in USA has had corona
1 out of 2400 people in USA has died from corona

The 60s and 70s already altered my DNA.

Here’s an update on vaccination trials:

The info comes from:

140,000 is four one-hundredths of one percent of the US population (0.04%), btw.

Do I really have to qualify this? :person_facepalming: One might expect this to be obvious. The “qualified” vaccine, FDA certified safe. You know, like getting a shot for tetanus or polio. You don’t need to do it in order to survive, but it’s an extremely good idea to do it in case you get unlucky.

One item from the Sciencemag news article…
on various vaccines in trial currently, this one is interesting:

Yeah, I can’t say I trust my government — when “Operation Warp Speed” comes out with a vaccine and starts promoting it, right before Election Day, I will be suspicious about what’s being politically warped and what’s speedy.

But eventually I expect trustworthy results from the science community.

This theory says the virus was already everywhere lying dormant and was triggered when conditions were right.

Don’t know about that… a bit hard to believe considering all the factors. Viruses “evolve” over time, with mutations. It would be really interesting to find the “cousin” to COVID-19… and see what factor caused the mutation for it to be well suited to human hosts, as well as bring about the devastating contagious capability (as well as lingering chronic symptoms for some people).

You know the reason…

They won’t have to fire a shot.

^ :smiley: :laughing: :wink:

COVID-19 Vaccine: Big Pharma Rushing to Make It