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To ToyKeeper,

Why there are longest and shortest cars with the same engine?…

I suppose there are different preferences.
The design is a factor that many of us also interested in flashlights, not just the functionality or size.

If you can fit a bigger battery (18350 or even 18650) without sacrifying the design, I guess everyone would prefer that? Ok, some will not care, but I prefer bling that goes together with performance.

absolutely right. :slight_smile:
(although sometimes the 18650 batteries are very heavy)

I also wonder what “Manker” means in China, and if anyone there is familiar with how it sounds in English. Purely because of the name, I’d be a little embarrassed telling someone I had a Manker Boney in my pocket.

Anyway, the Timeback looks very pretty. I might be tempted if it had a bigger battery (at least 18350, maybe 18500) and a triple-219 and a flashable FET+1 driver. I think that would take it from “pretty” to “pretty awesome”.

Manker = 漫客 Means"traveller,wanderer" something like that. Not sure they had the English name firstly and then translated it into Chinese or the oppsite.

Thanks! That makes a lot more sense.

Traveller / wanderer / explorer are popular branding themes in the west, and it seems the same might be true in the east.

In any case, it certainly sounds much better in English to say “Rey made this light”, because it sounds like a ray of light. Or other products, like the “Blackshadow Terminator” sound like they destroy the darkness. But now I can explain to people what Manker means. :slight_smile:

Wanker = 混蛋
noun BRITISH slang
a person who chokes the chicken.

WANGFIRE or WANG Light would be a good name then :smiley:

which chicken?

you mean the snake??

After the fiasco with the BLF A6, Wanker should be eating a bakery full of humble pie and not pissing people off further. They pretend to be a respectable, premium brand, but they sure don’t deliver. I wouldn’t have paid $49.95 for this light, after what they did with the A6…they have no right to demand premium prices, comparable to those of truly respectable brands, when their “quality control” is nearly zilch.

The Urban Dictionary reports “Manker” is a Wanker from Manchester:

lol at the last posts :smiley:

Sorry for OT.