
Maybe you could attempt to swap the XP-G3 for Nichia or something?

I meant the side LEDs, not the main one.


7.21 - 7.24

Update: Weltool LEP deals are unavailable now.

Did anybody receive the Mini One?

Mine ordered july 3 apparently shipped july 21 and cleared “export customs” on the 24…

From which vendor?

Dragon Phoenix Limited Edition

BG through your link IIRC.

Limited copies for first batch.

Contact Nealsgadagets for more info.


Ordered a blue ES3 but the BG listing says no battery included?

Good catch. Based on the description, it looks like this is without the battery.

It is the same package being offered on Amutorch China store as well. Save the money and wrap some electric tape to your existing 18350?

Think it comes with a 18350 sleeve, but listing above says one 20350 - little confusing... The 20350's are a little hard to find, pricey too, but a pretty good cell.

Wow, those UI description charts are confusing - is the UI the first one (dual - with "infinite variable brightness") or the 2nd one with only "stepless dimming"? No, I don't expect an answer...

The 2nd one looks pretty good - Narsil/Anduril style.

Which listing?

Post #1257. Doesn't say included, but doesn't say it's not.

Just found these available on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/20350-Battery-1400mah/333606798704?hash=item4dac83c570:g:yxcAAOSw0uZeydO6 for $18 - ouch! Reasonably priced sources are sold out like here: https://www.ozonesmoke.com/ijoy-20350-battery-25a-1400mah-3-7v.html

The Banggood listing it links to says “not included.”

Yep I know

Just got an E3S today from Amutorch.com, and it's UI works as described on their site, not with "Stepless Dimming" as described on the BG site listing. Maybe it's something new? There's no manual.

So long press from Off does not get you into “Infinite Variable” mode?

What’s the difference between “Stepless Dimming” and “Infinite Variable”?