[FIXED] I give up on these forums - any other iPad users out there?

Ok, we may have the next iseethelight here. :P

I’m having similar photo bucket/posting issues on my Android phone, it frustrating because other forums give no issues, but I’m holding back my apple hatred, there’s just no need in this instance, the forum in my opinion is just better suited to a pc than any other platform.
Can we not just calm down, have a group hug and be pleased we don’t have the oppressive cpf attitude over here? Oh wait, look at this thread and tell me its not oppressive… :8) :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

IndyArcher - I never said that MS or the machines it runs on (including Apple computers that run MS Windows) have no problems. Re-read my post and don't put words into my mouth. It's merely a commentary on the utility and compatability of Apple verses the norm. Nothing more. It was not a reliability report but if you want, I can certainly give you one based on facts. Apple lovers won't like it. Everything fails to work at some point.

zeroed4x - I concur.

Let's keep the genuine sincerity of the postings in this forum. The innocent nature is what drew me here to stay.

(Typed on an iPad. Really quite slow n difficult.)

Thanks guys. This is a really great place to stay.

apple is an EVIL and GREEDY company

that's a fact

I'm on an (almost) 2 year old iPhone 4. I was seriously fed the f*&! up with how it outright inserts NON-WORDS without even asking me. I absolutely abhor Auto'Correct' in iOS5.

I disabled it the other day and haven't looked back since.

Abhor? I think you may need it. :P

I think it's just poor wording on my part. What I was trying to get at is why MS gets the dollar sign when their numbers are smaller, they pay more taxes, and they even give away good, free software. Wait.. that's what I already said, haha. What is it that compels the fan boys (I'm not labeling anyone here) to attribute it with MS all the while sitting in Apple'$ camp? Isn't it a bit of pot and kettle? And believe me, I'm not sticking up for MS. I'm sticking up for logic. I see all the Apple vs MS as childish bickering. They're both American companies and we should be sticking up for both considering the pressure these days from international firms. Now if only they would actually manufacture their goods here.

As for less government? HA! You're preaching to the choir. Please don't tell me you got that impression from that post. I kept it between the corporations and certainly wasn't implying the government needs to crack down. They already put MS in jail for 5 years. Wasn't that enough time to give Apple a jump start to get where they are today? haha.. just kidding!

FWIW no one is as lame as Facebook! Talk about a fad that just needs to DIE already.

scaru - Abhor IS the correct spelling. Merriam-Webster dictionary: verb - regard with disgust and hatred. How's 'your' spell checker doing? Just saying.

Oh, oops. Didn't know there was an h.

There are very few companies that this statement doesn't apply to.

Yeah, I think that is the definition of a business. :P

I bought a netbook for the mobile factor. To me it's way better than an ipad. Boots up real quick too.

Ditch your Ipad and get a netbook. Nevertheless, some basic html will get you by in any forum. Just google the tag for inserting images, and you'll start to remember.

This thread really brought out the tech geeks. Software debates are the most boring thing in the world.

I turned off auto-correct years ago..it really is dumb

I work on computers all day. The last thing I want to do is carry one around with me when I'm not working. Yes, I have a laptop (Dell XPS 1300 series) for when I need something when I'm not home.

I think you missed my point. This forum already has rules against posting suggestive pictures and rules against foul language. I'm stating that people are breaking the rules and not self moderating as they should be. This is a PG rated forum and that's what I expect from it. Just like when I take my 3 year old to toysrus, I don't expect to hear people in the toy isles talking like its a sports bar.

Im not calling on the moderate to moderate. I'm simply saying that this place has gone downhill and become a free for all where everyone feels entitled to stand on a soap box and bash everyone else. This is supposed to be a forum for flashlight enthusiasts, not everyone's personal soapbox and certainly not a rule free playground where everyone says and does whatever they want.

Obviously this place has grown too far away from what I've come to know,enjoy, and respect. Time for me to part ways. It was nice while it lasted though.

I think you're reading too much into it friend. I'm not here to belittle or bully anyone, this is a typical "Liberal Playbook" tactic that doesn't work with me. You can vilify me all you like BUT, my opinion stands, my convictions do not change. I used the post as an example of how deep and wide moderation can start and then snowball from there. You can disagree with me all you like. Please go back and re-read the post. The post is for anyone who is over sensitive over politically correct and needs to be shielded not from vulgarity, not from profanity and not from pornographic pics but from adult conversation by adults. The main point of the post was exactly that You are responsible for you, you are responsible for what your kids view and WE are not. I suggest if you want to fight that you goes elsewhere. I'm not here to fight with anyone I'm here to enjoy freely talking about flashlights not rules or regulations.

Sorry if it seemed like you were the center of attention, please pardon me. I was talking in general / over all and thought that I had made it clear since the topic of my rant was about moderation and censorship. I didn't see that anyone was bashing anyone but I suppose it could possibly be viewed that way. I saw the post about the MAC and thought that it was more of poking fun than anything. I realize that sometimes people are subjective or controversial in some of the postings. As you've mentioned there are no rules being broken, just slightly bent. I believe that all the members posts that I've have read are from responsible members, so far there has been nothing extreme or foul. I was merely making the point that everyone is responsible for what they view and their family members also. Its not fair to most people who want to use a forum if you can not speak freely and openly or if you have to worry about a moderator jumping you because you forgot to fill in the blank _________. I manage to keep my young children and my grand children from seeing anything that they should not. If I'm able to do it, I think everyone else could do the same. If there are individuals who are over sensitive or are weak, squeamish etc. then these people need to grow up, don't force the rest of a group to sacrifice because of them. They can also censor themselves. You don't like the T.V. program, you change it. Don't change it for me, I like things the way they are. That's all, nothing more nothing less. Hope you understand what I am saying and no hard feelings.

Not directed at the OP ( with a legit issue), but the path it has gone makes me feel that

This thread wreaks of a dirty bomb...

Someone post a funny picture or something now to diffuse it