✌ FREEME - ASTROLUX EC01 SST40 XHP50B-3V Andúril 21700/ 18650 Flashlight >>> Deal is ALIVE!!!

Interested in 5000k for $23.99

interested. Code please

Sent. [quote=brenden23] interested. Code please [/quote]

My 5000k version just shipped

No way.

I was surprised too. Got tracking and everything. ETA 25th.

5000K ordered.

5000K ordered :slight_smile: used points instead of code tho, was about a dollar cheaper

My 5000K version was also shipped.


Oh well…
I’m really happy with the 6000k-6500k version. Like many here, the hotspot of my EC01 is more like 5000k. But I need a new flashlight for my car so I’ll order the 5000k version this time. :slight_smile:

Can I have the code please ?


Interested, code please


Can I get a code? Thanks!

Sure. [quote=xbr99] Can I get a code? Thanks! [/quote]

Interested. Please send code. Thanks!

I like the tint when these are dome-sliced / dedomed but how much throw increase would you expect in this reflector if the slice is done properly? Anyone tried it and noticed more throw or just a tighter hotspot? Thanks

So, BLF discount is now down to $0.63 (App-Price: $24.62 vs. $23.99)
That’s 2.6%
Pretty lousy, BG.

Those that shaved the XHP50.2 in their FT03s got noticably more throw if I’m not mistaken, and Vesture of Blood did on his shaved 50.2 C8 as well. Its a percentage change though so you’ll see less improvement with a reflector this size.