FSOT: Skilhunt H02 & H15 "shorty tubes", BLF A6 Bare Aluminum "mistake tubes" CLEARINGHOUSE

nothing? :frowning:

give the one i linked above a try :wink: way less bulky than the original, 19 g vs 51 g (not as sturdy of course, but looks still ok to me) and the silicone rings are less tight :wink:

O M G!!!

I just received my Astrolux S1… its short tube matches perfectly the threads of the Skilhunt!

I had never heard about that! I can’t believe no one have tried this before :s as you can see there’s the same problem of the orings that are way out of place, but it’s still an awesome surprise for me! :slight_smile:

…and here is this weird frankenstein :stuck_out_tongue:

have a look here: Short 18350 tube for Skilhunt H02 and H02R: are you interested?