Gadgettown UltraFire 50mW laser

+1 Budget

The safety of these things cannot be overstated. You cannot blink fast enough to prevent damage if the beam hits your eye, reflected or otherwise and there are dozens of things that can reflect, around where you are sitting right now. A bounce to another person in a normal living room is (in my opinion) not only possible but likely.

With that said, I am giddy with anticipation to play with my new toy. (responsibly of course)


Ok you bunch of light saber yielding yahoos, point me to some safety goggles. I have a 200mW laser to buy. With a key lock of course. LOL

So the PoPo won't try to throw me in the pokey for owning one right? Hypothetically if one of these were attached to say, a firearm, would that score you a stint in the slammer?


Try this:

Thanks, but that one has been tested at over 6 mW according to the comments.

I know I have a thing about eyes, I can watch moves/tv and not really be bothered by anything (Yay! successfully desensitised) but even the slightest suggestion that soemthing eye related might happen and my eyes start watering.

I wouldn't point anything at my cat that I wouldn't point at myself. I've no idea if this is the case but I would imagine cats would be more susceptible to laser eye damage than people, surely their amazing vision would be a hinderance...I'm going to have to read up on that now.

Cats would definitely be at risk from a laser. My cats go absolutely nuts chasing the 1/2 mw wanabe red pen laser I have. (bought in the '90s for $8 I think) One wrong turn of the head is all it would take. It wouldn't be a matter of if but when something bad happened. I don't think I could live with myself if I did something like that. I might be over-reacting about the safety issues but this bad boy I ordered has an advertised 100mw; even if it's half that, one pass across the retina - you can't blink fast enough to avoid damage.

Actually, to be honest, that may be part of the appeal. I have several hand guns and I'm going to treat this laser pretty much like I do those.


OK Foy I know you are anticipating your green light sabre. I have something for you.

Ohhh man . . . that is too much.

You just made my day. That is awesome. Caught me off guard - I'm staring at it thinking, 'what does he want me to see?' Trying to see the DMM numbers and then it hit me . . . it didn't look like that before. Had to scroll up to confirm. A strike bezel on a laser light - I didn't even notice it had that. It looks a hundred times better. Haven't laughed that hard for a while. Thank you Lang, I can go to bed with a smile.

I just checked my e-mail; looks like it shipped yesterday so, we'll see.


You're right, would be a challenge to photograph. Won't stop me from trying, though. Your videos were kinda fun to watch.