Haikelite SC26 *** CLOSED For U.S.A. and Canadian Customers only*** Haikelite cut me off at 100 units so GB is closed.

I don’t get guys that come onboard and ask if it’s offered in this temp or that temp or if it’s easily modded or whatever. I guess I don’t get the temp part because I love CW as long as it’s truly WHITE! Most here don’t want CW and want NW but I just want the brightest beam whether I’m indoors or outdoors and just WANT TO SEE SOMETHING!

I understand if you want to mod it or want it to be a certain temp but why complain if you can do it yourself?

I think Terry has described this as honestly as he can and we’ll see if this light lives up to his descriptions. He seems like an honest person to me and that’s why I ordered one!

For $32.00 and free shipping, this seems like a real bargain and okay, we’ll see.

P.S. Oh, BTW Terry, can I install more leds in the head with better leds because I want this to have at least 10,000 lumens on high and can I change out all the guts with thicker wires and better potting and can I change out the the tailcap with a better spring and can I get a better temperature than you listed because I’m always taking photos with it in complete darkness of green or red or whatever in shrubbery and want to make sure this will deliver.

Okay, okay, I’m just kidding but man, this really is the BUDGET LIGHT forum! I appreciate all the modders here and are amazed at all their work but putting in extra expense for some of these already nice, inexpensive lights, amazes me. Again, no problem if you do it!

So did this presale end before the samples were able to make it?


Thank you.
I made an order of 1 tan. NW
I was hoping I could find a little more about the threads, and if it can accept a pocket clip.
Also does it turn off if bumped?

Some lights have nice beefy threads ( like my m1) and others have very fine threads.

I am looking for another edc. I am hoping this light will take the daily use .

don’t thank me just yet. thank me after you get a good working light in a timely manner :wink: If not, you’ll probably want to send me a bill….

I ordered a blue NW.

We will ship all lights by no later than the second week of March. Most likely a week earlier

hi. are these shipping this week? Want my lil fatty.

Yeah, I was wondering about that myself as there’s no updates so far.

You have a good point hahah.
I’m sure it will do the job. I almost went with the D4 I hope I made the right choice!

My newly arrived 26350’s are awaiting the Fatty! :slight_smile:

I might have missed this, but are the lights being shipped to buyers domestically or are they coming from overseas?

I might be missing something but it seems they are not on Terry’s site any longer. Anyway, I couldn’t find any of his products for sale but again, I might not have looked thoroughly enough.

Got my batteries charged and ready!

can we hear from Terry on the shipping? Haven’t seen any posts from him lately? I’m sure he is overwhelmed.

Just wanted to say, the 26350’s fit in 35mm film cannisters pretty well. Just cut a piece of foam and put it in the bottom so the cell doesn’t rattle.

Probably busy chasing down the little minions to try to get them packed up. They have a mischievous look about them.
I ordered yellow, may give it a minion paint job!

Non stop work...

I am leaving this open until we have a working sample so everyone can know for sure that the SC26 is a great little light.

They are getting the first batch started up so I hope to have a sample (hoping for a few so I can I can send out at least 1 for someone to review).

Don't worry I on it everyday...

So does this mean that the shipment of our orders will be delayed?

Nothing has been delayed. Everything is on schedule.

I clearly said it would be after the holiday before mass manufacturing even started.

Pulling off group buys in 90 days from start to finish is very very hard to do.

There is a slight difference in this one in that all units will ship to me and then out to customers.

But so far we are not even to a point of discussing a delay. All I was saying is that I am not closing it until everyone has a chance to see and know they are getting what they were told they were getting.

This also allows time for members that will not take part until they see a sample and reeview. This way they can take part in the discounted price as well.

Normal retail will be closer to 15 dollars more than what it shows on my website. I have to enter a retail price so I estimated as close as I could before seeing my own actual cost.

Terry it was my understanding according to the first post that, shipping would be as follows: “We will ship all lights by no later than the second week of March. Most likely a week earlier but I like to allow enough time for anything that may come up.”

So I wanted to know if you were going to stick to that schedule, since you said that you were keeping the GB open until you get the sample in your possession. So based on your last post I’m guessing that you mean that the lights will be shipped to you “no later than the second week of March” and then from you to us. It’s a little confusing, so I just want some clarification so I have a general idea of when to expect the light.

I highly recommend you send a SC26 simple to “maukka” for detail review. Therefor, we can all know the accurate SPEC of SC26 (Beam, tint, color rendering, Runtimes and output… etc).