Haikelite SC26 *** CLOSED For U.S.A. and Canadian Customers only*** Haikelite cut me off at 100 units so GB is closed.

You can order them from fasttech, that’s where I ordered mine.

I had no idea tritium vials were so expensive.

I guess I’ll run the risk of losing it in the dark.

Good thing I’ve got many more flashlights to use as backup!

You could always buy 3 and skip every other slot. It still looks good imo. You will also need some UV glue to attach the trits to the light.

Yeah, looks like FT is the cheapest. Man, the prices have gone up, (like everything). I bought a few several years ago and they were like $3.00 each. It would seem crazy to put more than the cost of the light into trits but like Vinte77 stated, you could just skip a slot and go with three.

Let every slot fulfill its raison d’etre!!! :smiley: :beer:

OK how about this: There is one slot right above the button. Just one trit here and you have a very functional, but elegant button locator. So you have a light with tritium for a very low price. :sunglasses:

Daniel Young at Mixglo has them for $6 each. He ships fast, responds to emails, and is a good guy.

I have 9 yellow 1.5mm X 6mm for $6 each if anyone is interested. Mailed from the US.

I was going to get some trits ahead of time, (already got the batteries waiting for it!) but decided to hold off to see if the light is worth the additional $$$.
Fingers are crossed and it looks like a beauty but you never know til you have the light in your hands.
I’ve got some glow powder that works great but I’ve never tried it in a trit slot. Will post if it works.

Mix some glow powder with Elmers glue…syringe in

Terry, since you have been talking to Dale a couple of times the past few days, I think you should have some info for Fatty buyers, right?

That 9R is nice and all, blah, blah, blah….shoot I may still buy one.
Don’t forget about us Fattys…

Amen but I’m still patient!

Ordered 3 green trits from FT for $5.89 each with free shipping but of course it’ll probably take a month to get them but MAYBE our Fatties will be here by then. Let’s hope! :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m pretty patient about this stuff. However, seeing all these updates on the MT09R on BLF and fb, but nothing more about the SC26 is starting to aggravate. Not calling anyone out or anything (I already had the MT07 and SC01, and just got the SC02 from Terry for less than with a code). I know everyone is on the up and up, just like to not be left in the dark about the status of the GB order.

One week since an update on a 6 week late order. My patience is running out.

According to Taobao there is an XPL-HD and an XPL-HI variant. Based on this picture it also appears that the button is back lit, although it’s not super clear.


Sorry for the delays guys. I have been on and off the phone all week with Dale abou this as well as other matters with other lights.

There were some very slight issues that they wanted to address before shipping out anything and possibly end up with the same kind of problems they had with the MT09R's

They continued testing different driver components and actually contracted a completely different company to manufacture the drivers.

As many of you know the company that originally made the drivers for the MT09R cause some major issues that has cost Haikelite thousands of dollars so they had no intentions of making that mistake again.

The drivers are complete and the packaging for shipment is almost complete. It will be another week to complete the packaging for all the units that they will be shipping out and then approximately 2 week for the shipment to arrive at my warehouse. That is the longest possible estimated time. They could easily arrive much sooner but I know how shipping out of China can be sometimes for I would rather say up front that it may be that long.

The day they arrive at my warehouse I already have all of the invoices printed out and ready to start printing shipping labels the same day so once they arrive here I can get them all shipped out ASAP.

I really am sorry for the delay but they do not give me a say so in any of it at all....

I am however glad that they did choose to contract a different company to build the drivers, the last thing any of us needed is for the light to shop up and then a week later finding problems of all kinds. It took almost 2 months to solve all of that mess with the MT09R's and I really did not want to go through that agian.

I am sorry for the late update but I honestly have not stopped at all for the last 3 weeks. If fact I have been awake for the last 36 hours completing some things with the MT09R as well as in Skype conference calls with the partners in China.

All is well just running behind... One good thing is that I am told the driver is rock solid in this light. And there is the possibility of another version of it coming out soon. I really can't say anymore than that. In fact I was not supposed to mention that at all. It will not be a better version or anything like that just more of an option that may be made available later from retailers.

Now I am going to tryr and actually get a little bit of sleep for a few hours.

Thank you all for your support and I am sorry for the delay. I would rather have the delay than the same problems with the MT09R.


New version? My first guess would be one with built in charger… And it charges a fully depleted cell in 5 hours…

LOL I honestly wish I could say more but I was not even suppose to say as much as I did..

Goodnight guys I will be back on in a few hours.

Just wondering whether Haikelite has plan on building 21700 lights? Can wait for SC26 to be available through banggood.

Would like to see a sample sent to TA for a teardown and review. I think you may have mentioned you were going to have a review sent out for a review before you send out our lights.

Are you going to do this?

Not happening.. But what you can do if you do not have a local dealer or representative just email Haikelite and you can order factory direct. They only allow factory direct orders from people that do not have a local dealer. In your case I am sure they would let you or straight from them.

Maybe 6 more months time as my own dealership grows we may actually take on much of the areas that there is not a dealer I just have to work out all the logistics of shipping. Which by the way is a nightmare..

When you have the time email haikelite@yeah.net and ask if you can order one from them because you do not have an approved dealer in your area.

You may want to give Dale a couple of days.

This is the other reason I wanted to post today. I got work from Dale early this morning that he is currently at the hospital with his daughter. If I remember correctly she is 3 years old. IF any of you happen to practice some type of religion I am sure he would appreciate the added paryers regardless of the religion. And if not then maybe just keep them in your thoughts.

Dale is the backbone of that company and he never gets time for himself. Something like this is 10 times harder on him that may it would be for one of us that can just take whatever time we need.

Thank you all for you support for the Haikelite brand