Hold onto your wallets. New Eagletac MT-G2 and XM-L2 lights

I’ll wait for someone HKJ or Selfbuilt to review it, then decide. Good time to like flashlights, it is.


Up for pre-order, ETA end of the month.

Cats are terrible drivers.

Seriously, I live at least 30 minutes from Going Gear and it is definitely worth the trip at least once. They have just about every flashlight you can think of and they are out where you can try them out (on tethers).

And so it starts.
I bet there will be 2 or 3 similar lights introduced within the next 14 days.
Just sayin’…you know how it goes.

3x MT-G2 BTU shocker mod? >)

Are MT - G2 available in NW or CW?

One thing which maybe few noticed, they actually say MT-G2 P0, which I appreciate, not some unknown MT-G2 bin. Well, that could be faked too as apparently some do.

Is there anywhere to order Eagletac lights that don’t charge over $50 for international shipping??

Anybody pick up an MT-G2 SX25L3 yet? Also, ET should come up with better product nomenclature.

What's wrong with Sex 25 level 3?

You mean sex with 25y old 3P?

So for someone wanting an MT-G2 SX25L3 where is the cheapest place to get one?

+1 That's an excellent question.



I don't see it listed elsewhere. The review from Selfbuilt is quite nice... I think I might get this light in lieu of the crelant mtg2.

Such a shame they aren’t sold through other vendors. The shipping is a killer having to add another $20 minimum to the order. I would have bought one long ago if I could get free shipping on it!

Hong Kong flashlight sellers that i know of, not one sell Eagletac that strange.

I have bought my SX25L3 (MT-G2), TX25C2 (XM-L2), and all other ET's from here:


I asked Cherry at Wallbuys if they would ever stock Eagletac and she said that Eagletac refuse to allow Chinese sellers to stock their products.

I have found an AUS seller who isn’t too expensive so might end up going with that option.


Who was that? Would be interest myself.


Whilst it is still $149.95AUD + $7.95AUD postage. The other sites are about $135US + ~$20US for freight and with the current exchange rate that is a fair bit more expensive! Even the link kreisler added is $144AUD once you convert it, plus any bank conversion fees and I am not sure if there is freight on top of that.

That’s such a pain, we have Eagletac dealer here in Thailand but have to wait around 2 months for new release products to be in stock.

Cheers! You’re right, works out about the same. Thanks.