How Hot where You Are?

Big cool down here today!
High 82F, wind 12 mph, humidity 60%. Low tonight 61 F.
Supposed to stay this way several days & no rain too. Very unusual for this time of year.

I love it!! . :beer:

Slaughterhouse-Five is a pretty short novel, with extremely short chapters, if that helps.

We absolutely require audio-books on any trip over an hour.

and I don’t have to play any stupid road games

(although Jamie Lee Curtis was fab and hotter than Needles, CA in that movie)
(or Palm Desert)

Smart Audiobook Player for your Android)

32°C (89,6°F) - 34°C (93,2°F) very humid at 88% - 92% RH. In the hottest dry season temp could reach 36°C (96,8°F) but less humid air at 80% RH.


Southern Californian here. My car’s thermometer was peaking at 105°F today.

now it is hot ,100℉ everyday

98° in central MT. where we have 2 seasons - winter and road construction.

Y'know the California state motto?

"Road construction ahead."

31c UK meant to be 36c tomorrow

Rainy days in my area

Mostly 30°C for both today and tomorrow :weary:

Indoor thermometer says 27.8°C (82°F).

No A/C. This is Scotland, we’re not supposed to need A/C. Our houses are built to keep the heat in, not out!

Not planning to see what outside is like. Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse. I’m hiding until the weekend.

36 °C :confounded:

Heatwave in The Netherlands: today 39.3 C. in Eindhoven (102.7 F), this an all-time record for my country, the last one was 38.6 C in 1944.

Here in Amsterdam it is “just” 34 C. We move very slowly.

Right now, forecast says it’s 28ÂșC with RH at 40. The worst it’ll get is 31Âș, 28. Par for the season.

At least where I live buildings are designed to vent the hot air out instead of keeping it in. I pity the Europeans
 :confounded: One fellow Brazilian I know that lives in Bern, Switzerland says a mobile AC unit is the best thing he’s ever purchased for his home.

37°C over here, way too hot for me!

Bit of advice for you guys: have a water bottle handy at all times and don’t get far from it even if it files for a restraining order, and if that doesn’t help enough, put your head under a faucet. Absolutely drench any hair that you may have, and what head hair you don’t have as well. Your noggin is your body’s biggest heatsink, help it out.

Thanks :slight_smile: I got an extra cup of coffee in the airco’ed coffee bar when it got too hot. My own coffee is better but I did enjoy the air temperature :innocent:

I usually have a footbath when it becomes a problem, works instantly!

I feel sorry for you guys. I usually wear a jacket or sweatshirt when I leave the house during the summer in San Francisco.

Yeh, down south they have it to a science. Open windows on the lowest floor on the north side (away from sunlight), everything else closed, doors inside the house open to vent air like a chimney, which gets sucked out of the house via an attic-fan. (Hot air rises.)