I took his head off

Finally.. after a very long time, and many tries..

I could get the head of my Klarus P2A off.
The Klarus P2A was one of my more expensive torches I bought a few years back...(just $32) from dinodirect.

First I bought another little strap wrench. (now I have 2).

Then I put the head in a small plastic ziplock bag, and put in the freezer for about 5-8 hours.

(some of you will see the polished fins.. they were damaged in earlier tries, so I just removed the ano, and polished them)

Then I boiled some water, and threw the bag with the head inside the boiling water for 2 minutes.

When that was done, I opened the ziplock bag, and used my 2 strap wrenches to open the head.
First it didnt want to budge, but then finally I saw some movement.

I did it a little different from what I thought was the best way.

anyhow, this is how I first tried it,

and this is how I succeeded.. I used more rubber and pushed with both of my thumbs.
still the light slipped a bit, but not as bad.

and this is the result.. finally I can change the led.

I`m not sure how many times I had tried to open this thing up, but without success.

I tried to boil it before, but could get it moving with just my hands.

I put it on a boiling hot pan for a few minutes.. still didnt get it loose..

I then bought 1 small rubber strap wrench, and it still didnt work.

Then I bought 1 big strap wrench, which I thought was rubber, but it wasnt as grippy as the smaller one. so that didnt work.

Then Finally today i bought the seconds small strap wrench, and with the method described above, it finally gave way.

Yeahhh. I think I like modding again..

that P2A has been hunting me for a long time.. I just couldnt get over it... and every time I failed.

Now is my day!

if anyone wants to get it open, Put it in the Freezer for a couple of hours. Then directly in a boiling pan for a few minutes, and use 2 rubber strap wrenches.. and hopefully you`ll be as lucky as me..

persistence sometime pay off J)


Thanks for posting the pics and detailed explanations! I have strap wrenches also, but mostly haven’t worked when I tried, but will try what you suggested about the freezing/heating + thumbs.

@ ervin anastasi:

Yes, but I hope this technique will work from now on.
i just put another flashlight in the freezer, in the ice cream box.. Hopefully my wife doesn`t get upset ;)


yes, when I tried it with only 1 strap wrench, it didnt come off.
So I hope you will succeed as well with 2 wrenches and the Heating-Cooling technique.
And don`t forget using your thumbs ofcourse ;)

Flashlights for dessert? :open_mouth:

Yes, that's what I call them...flashdessert

There can be only one.

I got a jetbeam rrt-0 that will not open up. tried a few times boiling it and freezing it. Never boiled it for any amount of time though, too afraid of ruining the electronics in it... Still have not got it open after hours and hours of trying though...

Try any solvents?

So was it glued or locktite? this was one of the first lights I bought, and was never impressed but it was aa and before I found out about 18650’s . Interested in what you are going to do with it, good luck! :slight_smile:

does not apply for ChibiM :P

Anyway, is there something wrong with the images because they are so small or my JS is not working properl?

I have a Crelant V21A which seems to be the virtually same light so i will have to try this method :slight_smile:

Who won’t pass the fessert? From what I’ve seen of Gandalf’s stick, the Flame of Anor makes a pretty mean torch.

crelant V21a already has a xml in it ..are you going for tint ?

I wouldn;t bother going from a xml to an xml2 on a 2xAA light

Perhaps i just like to take everything apart, or maybe i want XM-L2 on noctigon

I'm also afraid of opening anything with a magnetic control ring.

The P2A probably had some glue..don't know the difference between glue and picture once it's out of its packaging ;)

It might have been the last straw, as I said, I had tried it at different times, with different methods. Boiling water, just on top of a stove, hair dryer, freezer,etc...So it might have been the last straw.

But at least this method was my first time..probably having 2 good strap wrenches might have done it.

Oh and the pics are 320 pixels..some have links to bigger ones..

Yeah, but it's a total flooder. Needs a good reflector to get some serious throw.