is candlepowerforums gone??

I have not been on CPF for a few weeks, where did the Budget Light section go to? Can't seem to find it...

They made it it's own forum:

Used to be under LED didn't it?

It's not a sub-forum of LED Flashlights anymore (I think that was the case anyway)

And there's a thread on the new Solarforce P1 with zero negative comments so far! Actually, there's more negative talk about it HERE than over there! haha

Did check CPF yesterday for first time in couple of weeks, was UP, what the...?!?

Bought phaserburns diffuser to test with it.

Checked also reference prices for upcoming sale of my TK-41, it does not seem to do it´s sale here in Finland so I think I will put it to intl markets even though it means 20$ shippings to me :|

Well . . . at this moment, they have over 700 people on-line. There are 74 of us here right now. I guess I sometimes forget how big they really are but I find it interesting that here, users vs. guest is within 15% or so of each other. (31/43) Over there it's 158 members vs. 574 guest.

How many time do we hear, " . . . I just go there for information/read a particular review . . ." etc?

Lot of lurkers over there and I suppose that's not necessarily a bad thing, from a certain point of view. Even so, their on-line members are still double ours. That's a lot of folks.


Infact, I find the difference between Online Members suprisingly small…

I know I'm fairly new here, so, pardon my frankness, but I've grown accustom to your verbose signatures and was, therefore,a bit disappointed in that last post.




But he'll bounce back


Well, it is the weekend, so perhaps I should be more understanding.

Actually . . . wasn't going to say anything but, this has been quite a week at casa de Foy.

Last Sunday, my wife woke me at 4 am in agony. Went to the ER and they couldn't positively confirm the extreme tenderness in her lower right quadrant. After heavy antibiotics failed to improve her condition, it was decided to go in via laparotomy to have a look see.

What they found was a massively ruptured appendix, abscessed for at least two days. Took that bad boy out and her recovery has been slow (also has lupus) but certain. Doctor says she'll be out of work for at least two weeks and I'm going to push for three.

We are discovering that growing old requires a fair amount of courage . . .


Wow. Glad everything came out ok. I had a ruptured appendix as a teenager and developed an infection after going home. I think recovery was 2-3 weeks if memory serves. I remember the night before the appendectomy as the most pain I have ever experienced, before or since. Good luck to her on a speedy recovery!

Hey Foy, will be keeping you and your wife in our thoughts and prayers (please wish her a speedy recovery for us!). In terms of growing old, you'll be in good company (starting with me, lol). As I age, I definitely notice the body requires more maintenance and TLC.

Apologies to the OP for the OT.

\Don't worry about it. Round here stuff wanders OT all the time.

Mrs. Foy - get well soon. Hope it isn't so painful and that they don't do what they did to my brother when he got his appendix out (about 40 years ago) and leave a pair of scissors in him.

OK, you don't have to come up with cute & clever signatures until April 1st. I, for one, will miss them, but I understand... Seriously, though, all the best to your wife.

wow, hope she's well soon. scary stuff. as you must know, it could have been much worse.

Thank you, all.

Don - Scissors?

I know they do a sponge count before closing but, damn. Definitely a condition where tying your shoes could prove fatal.


Always wear Square Pants....or panties if you like it better *grins*

Wow. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs. Foy.