is there a light that will stop a atacking dog?

Do not try to assert your lawful rights as a citizen against a known criminal element without law enforcement support.
Even then, how quickly can they respond, or will they?
I suggest a different walking route, even driving to a better location.
Good luck.

Give the dog treats .

It sounds like you’re dealing with folks for whom the thin veneer of civilization has cracked and peeled in several places.

IMHO, the two most palatable and least legally perilous options you have are relocation or acquiring enclosed transportation.

As for the coal rolling, I’m pretty sure that involves messing with the tune and emisions of the vehicle in ways that certain parts of the government get rather cranky about. Any chance you can grab a video of them doing this that shows their license plate?

acquiring enclosed transportation?

I thought we were talking walking?

… and NOT walking definitely solves the dog problem.

seems more to avoid it

never mind

dr wants me to lose weight so im doing the walking thing . i guess i can just walk on the other side of the road but it is so hard to cross this road

ps walking has me down to 159 pounds

And then…


Well Done! :+1:

Simple legal answer as far as I know no matter where you are is a bottle of pepper spray. Without any study I can’t think of a single state where it is illegal to use on an attacking animal.

Personally I have a ccw in my state even though it’s an open carry state and if a dog is attacking me as much as I love dogs I have no bad feelings about putting it down. At near 40 I’d rather the owner carry me to court and happily pay if found in the wrong than some parent of a dead/badly injured little kid in the neighborhood. If a dog is that aggressive it’s only a matter of time. Then again I live in the sticks where we do “country justice” and shooting aggressive animals is the norm even if the owner is a crybaby. We shot my aunt’s lab because one day he came over and decided he owned my shop more than we did. Her big bad mean pit was actually fighting him off my 6 year old son when I walked outside and pulled the trigger.

Yes please make sure you’re not trespassing.

That said, a legal knife works wonders if defending yourself from being killed by the dog is necessary. However you will probably get chewed on while using said kinfe.

Guns sure do escalate things quickly…both with owners and police. You would basically need to use the gun as a contact weapon when in a sudden lunging at the face scenario since it it’s extremely hard to hit a super fast moving target in such a stressful scenario. Then theres the risk of hitting unintended targets.

I personally prefer a knife. Have had to use one to stop an attack from a dog that was trying kill me- it kept lunging for my neck, arms, and genitalia. Fighting it off by hand wasn’t working, the only thing I could do was block each lunge with my forearm, which was getting severely mauled, even through a heavy denim insulated coat. I finally remembered my pocket knife, a 3” blade Kershaw assist. 2 stabs to the heart/ lung area while it was gnawing in my arm, made the dog back off and lie down. It died within 1 minute. Such a sad, sad day that I never want to relive.

It’s so strange. When in a situation like that, the things that seem most logical to do dont always come into you head first.

Flashlight won’t help either ward off the dog or keep you from getting chewed on unless it is instead being used as a club.

Never tried jerky treats but that sounds like a good idea. It would be wise to have a backup to that plan though.

i feel sad for the dog it just needs traning big time. the owner is just kind of a jerk .the guy next to him has this wonderful yard with a wonderful pow flag and the usa flag i always tryied to walk in street in hiss yard since it is so nice but he stoped me and said please walk in his yard he didnt want a car to hit me

When I was active and there was a possibility I would have to shoot a dog, my rule was:
If you shoot a dog better have a bite mark.

I can’t help but notice some parallels here… I used to live very near Ft. Lauderdale (Delray Beach, actually), have keys to my dad’s (formerly my grandfather’s) house in Atlanta, and now I’m in Columbus. I was also in 95035 for a while…
So what I’m saying is, I can properly pronounce “Boca Raton” and “Dekalb”, while nobody on TV can do either unless they’re local…

On the subject of the thread: If dogs are truly aggressively attacking, they’re known to stop feeling pain. To my knowledge, you have to severely incapacitate a dog in order to stop severe attacks. I’d recommend a longer-ranged capsaicin spray (maybe gel type to reduce blowback? But I’m not intimately familiar with CS sprays) as a first line of defense, but you must be prepared to kill attacking dogs. I say this grimly as a dog and animal lover. And you must also expect that if you are not going to shoot an attacking dog, you will have to offer it an arm to chew on while you kill it. In summer in Atlanta, I wouldn’t want to wear anything remotely protective (gosh it’s so humid) but in winter heavier coats will… help… not stop.

Please be safe. And please don’t place your life on just bright light. By all means, pick one out and try it when the dog is being bothersome and maybe the dog will stop bothering you. But don’t strobe it when it attacks.

I have the impression people are very mean with monkeyman77.

Don’t worry @monkeyman77, we’re all trying to help you as much as possible. :blush:

true story we had this super stupid but very sweet dog when i was growing up. well the postman would give her treats she would jump in the truck to greet him .this was great to we got a new postman lol

I decided, in my two self defense cases, to just shoot it. I did not leave a bite mark on it. I had no reason to bite it.

It is lawful for a person to take lethal action before it is too late to successfully repel an imminent attack threat of death or great bodily harm.

I was fully successful, with one tenth of a second to spare. The first one was four feet away, and the second time, 2,000 pedestrian miles later, eleven and a half months later, was one foot away from me when I stopped it. Its blood spattered on my pants leg.

A bite mark on you. SHEESH

Yes there is: