Its too funny ! Oh dear ! they really dont like competition ...

I read through the whole thread and I think some legitimate questions were brought up by the CPF establishment, though I also think they are sticking their head in the sand. To me, old's test of the batteries indicates that the battery can deliver a pretty high current, but doesn't tell the whole story. And then xxllmm4 didn't identify himself as someone who is selling the batteries, which seems like an important point (though it becomes obvious eventually).

Honestly it's hard to run these tests without some really good equipment which not that many people have. Mitro's graphs are very good, but IMR's have never been known for high capacity, only high current without exploding. The CK batteries seem to be able to deliver high current *and* high capacity, which should make them very interesting to all of us with high power flashlights. The only worry is about how safe they are given that they aren't protected, though the high current draw tests are a good sign that they don't break down easily.

I think the thing to take away from old's review (and that CPF missed) was here is an early review of a new battery and how it performs against a good selection of other batteries at three different current draws. It's not a perfect test, but it is a good start and the batteries did pretty well. It is data. I'd like to see more and so would some people at CPF, but you can't get all the data at one time.

I can't argue with them shutting the thread down after reading a couple of the posts that weren't deleted and I'm sure the deleted posts weren't dousing any flames.

Don't take offense, Matt. They left your data in place (for once!) and if someone wants to post more data, they can, just in a new post. And the CK batteries got favorable comments from several different people, so CK came out pretty good too.

I did not take offence for the request for more Data , but rather the fact that a few posters got personal about it all ...

And I dont have the equipment to push cells to failure : It was a new battery , I compared it to some well established cells , gave an indication of capacity .

It was nothing more than a general purpose review , for the general public , that buy the usual run of flashlights .

I dont run Incan Drag racers , or model aircraft , or anything else . And I did say , please TEST and let everyone know how you go . [ No one ever seems to want to ]

When the issue of safety was brought up , CK shorted a cell , and to me it behaved just fantastic , but it got slammed ..

So CK did a comparison to the IMR and that got dumped on .. OK the IMR dumped a lot more energy in the short , and I dont see that being good , or safe at all .

3 times more energy dumped in a shorter time ??? [ there claims ] to me , seems far more dangerous ! , and not a virtue .. [ Not for flashlights ]

Anyhow , I now await with baited breath , to find out what the CPF battery testing standards are going to be !!!

This should be interesting ... Maybe I need to invest $300 in a hobby charger that can Discharge @ 20A or something .

And in all honesty , all a high discharge tells you is at what point the cell may fail , and is anything over 5A relevant to 99.9% of flashlight users ?

The funny thing is , find bad cells , and everyone is happy with the review , test a cell thats a stand out from the crowd , and suddenly its life or death , thats what I found so amusing , that it got so serious , and quickly too .

And when some one showed an interest in the battery , wow , that individual was quickly dis swayed .

I saw very little positive or constructive feedback from certain individuals .

There is a right way , and a wrong way , that thread became the wrong way ..

Im 100% sure I could have responded better , Im also 100% sure I could responded harder , and ripped a few new ones over some statements , but it all just became a joke to me .

Which is why I multi post , I almost expect CPF to do what they do best ..

I have nothing against more testing , more data , mitro has posted some wonderful information , which I did not bother sharing [ as the thread had deteriorated to a joke - to me in anyway ] and I thought , Stuff-em .

I really welcome data , the more the better , and I have no brand loyalty , I simply test and post the results .

And I knew , as soon as the cell tested well , that this would be the path of the review on CPF , thats why I found it so amusing , confirmation !

I love to study human nature , it can be so predictable at times .

Which is why this thread , to share information , and experience . Everyone will take away something different from this , and hopefully everyone will have taken away some knowledge .

Im not a taker , I like to share , and I enjoy giving - Freely with no price attached - even at my own expense !

Perhaps over time I will learn what mistakes I made - if any [ guys , feel free to point them out ] , and learn from it ..


Its ok to want more data, but the only way to get more data is to get them in peoples hands. They acted as if they didn't want to even hear it. Keep in mind that 2 of the 3 parties actually sell batteries, I've got graphs, but its just one cell... they want multiples, they want 10+ Amp discharges, they want proof they're safe.

If it wasn't for the fact that Jordon appears to be a good guy and he probably would like to sell these things, I wouldn't give a flip what they thought. If they want to see my results they are right here. If somebody would like to show them, that's fine, but I'm not going over there to try to get their acceptance. They can have their AWs. I don't want them.

I guess trolling is worse than baiting...who knew :)

Only ass-trolling.

Thanks. Someone needed to say it. That was my other screen name. And yes, I got banned from CPF. Oh well. Not going to miss it. Too bad they were sooooooooo afraid of the truth that they deleted my post.

Whatever happens I hope everyone can get a good laugh out of this and not hold any resentment.

I also hope everyone will continue to do reviews and ANY testing or review they see fit. There have been a couple Newbies on here that have found some pretty cool flashlights that no one had really discussed before.

I would also like to thank old4570 for all the time and effort he puts into ALL his testing and reviews. The main reason I have stuck around is for the reviews so many people have contributed. Some day I wish to have a review sticky-ed but I don't think my ADD-ishness would ever allow me to spend enough time to do a proper review LOL

Kingglamis got permanently banned for "trolling". What exactly is trolling.

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

I think Lux should be banned as well then (fishing)

Though it is funnier to ass-bait...

CPF went down again.... about 1 hour already. I think soon it will be gone.... It is not normal for web servers/DB to be down that often.

You need to pay the bill, 2100...

Don´t know any other forum, that is down so often and long.

What did it say?

The rules of CPF are no different than those of the real world... You can speak your mind but some things could be interpreted as inappropriate. You could yell "Dick, ass and pussy!" in public and be referring to your best friend, a small horse-like animal, and your favorite pet, but it still wouldn't be appropriate if children or seniors were around who could take it out of context... wait... does that even make sense? Ok, well crappy analogy aside, I've had Internet access since like '94 and was on BBSs before that and I've seen plenty of my share of bans... I'm a pretty opinionated person and I don't like to lose a fight - but sometimes you just need to know when to say.. enough is enough... and always think first before typing anything on the Internet... I've had idiotic comments come back to haunt me from 10+ years back after accidentally stumbling on them. Staying in good standings on a forum is like a game of chess... you must think first before you move.

We'll have to disagree on that one. In the real world, I'm not told that I'm in the wrong place to talk about something. I'm not told that I can't tell people where I bought something (no links to budget lights). In the real world if I like something, people listen to me instead of telling me I am a shill. In the real world, basically, there isn't a big brother stacking the deck against me. But on CPF, the people who get banned are *always* the people supporting the inexpensive stuff, while the people who like the sponsors' products are patted on the back when they trash budget lights in exactly the same way.

You only have to look at the difference in how BLF is run and how CPF is run to see that it can be done differently than CPF does it, and it can be done significantly better.

It's supposed to be a family forum that kids can read but when Greta responds to posts she often refers to peoples actions as "bitching" much for the kid friendly talk.

[quote] she often refers to peoples actions as "bitching"... [/quote]

