I've got a challenge for you.

Yep ladies and gents the officials don’t take kindly to even playing with the strobe function. And I honestly didn’t even know the police car was parked in the area. There was no traffic or other people around. Just a flashaholic playing minding his own business. Folks are jumpy with all the stress folks are under. Eventually the cop was cool with it and even wrote the light info down. Be careful and play it cool. Don’t be dead right asserting your rights

Considering all the violent protests and civil unrest going on in the U.S. at present, I don’t think it takes a great deal of imagination to see where such a light might be employed….or how vigorously it’s user might be responded to by opposing forces.

Personally, I’ll leave weapons R&D to others.

In situations like that, a puke-light to protect you and your’n would be non-lethal.

Unleashing the chainguns wouldn’t be.

Well , of course, this would be for a blue light disco, right :partying_face: :wink:

Intracranial pressure! That sounds like all kinds of no fun! What a nasty light.

My first “big” flashlight had a 50–100 10Hz strobe. Well, to put it mildly, it was not very impressive.
My latest light for grown-ups, an EagTac G25C2 Mk-II, has a mean strobe in it’s tactical setting.
It’s cycling through different frequencies, though in a fixed pattern

I wonder what effect LB’s puke-light has on someone who is colorblind. Like me.

LB has the making of a new internet video challenge (tik tok) like the cinammon spoonful.

Mix equal parts of alky-hawl, LB’s puke light, and a disco ball at a frat party—call it the “college puke dance party”

I wanna thank everyone for their input on the matter even those who have voiced an opposition. Although I am disappointed in the general lack of enthusiasm I wont be discouraged. It was in fact a member of the law enforcement community who approached me with an inquiry.

As far as sarcasm goes, I received more sarcasm than I put out with my single attempt to make humor. I am thick skinned so take your jabs at me its okay. In all honesty I pray that it isnt someone close to you who may be disillusioned taking to the streets in protests and gets gunned down by the police doing their job when their could have been an alternative use of force.

For the rest of you with legitimate inquiry I will specifically break down how I define “oscillating phase shifting variable frequency pulsed output mode”. Please bear with me.

“oscillating” = vary in magnitude or position in a regular manner around a central point.

“phase shifting” = any timekeeping shift made to light at a given phase of the subjective photon source.

“variable frequency” = variation of light temperature in combination with PWM.

“pulsed output mode” = PWM.

Not expecting to be more or less demonized I thought I could relate to everyone on a common media theme for one application of this light, I presented an application of its potential use in a defensive manner. There are many far reaching applications in the medical industry alone. Below is an excerpt of an article explaining such:

* “Drosophila ananassae offer a potential platform by which to derive generalizable findings concerning intermittent light’s effects on the metazoan circadian system.”

* “The reciprocity hypothesis summarizes much of the dogma surrounding the study of light’s effects on the circadian pacemaker. It postulates that any timekeeping shift made to light at a given phase of the subjective evening is based solely on the number of photons registered by the pacemaker: the brighter or longer the pulse, the greater the resulting phase jump one should see up to some pseudosaturation level (Takahashi et al., 1984).”

This can be further read upon @: Circadian phase-shifting by light: Beyond photons - ScienceDirect

I am reluctant to divulge too much of what I do know and the substantial data made available to me regarding this project until I am comfortable that I am addressing an audience of people with serious focus. I know this is a hard sale, so to speak, bringing people onboard and having nothing to really offer them but a promise im not a terrorist or disgruntled postal worker. There is a lot lost in black and white and maybe if I were a better public speaker or we knew each other personally, my addressing the matter would be received differently. (I took note about the approach comment someone made).

I have been direct about what I seek. I came to a place I knew I could find experts. Im here to try and encourage the development of light technology in a different direction I guess is kinda taboo or something. I didnt come here trying to insult anyone’s intelligence with a covert plan to develop a death ray so please dont insult my honest approach.

I would like to construct a device capable of producing the effects i stated above for the purpose of research into the application possibilities.

No this is not a DARPA project but it does have legitimate roots with real world applications. I was hoping a group discussion would have taken a different path of exploration and idea sharing as opposed to having to migitagate a mojorially negative response which poisons the thread.

How about starting off with a low level proof of concept first? Years ago i had team lead who used to say if you can build a small rocket, then you can build a big one. He was one of the designers of the the flight control system for the Saturn rocket that launched Apollo missions (ref.Saturn FCS ). My point being to break it down into smaller bites, such as the control system, the power system, and the drive amplifier, etc.

So let me ask about the definitions and requirements: Is this what you mean by phase shift? and is it a primary or secondary requirement? does it really do anything to a light beam that changing amplitude or frequency can’t do? You can always start another thread with a different name if the joking is too much, but ya might as well have some fun too.

Naw, when I saw someone who was blitzed and just about barely standing up, I’d stand in front of him, “rock” in a circle (left, forward, right, back, …) going “3D… 3D… 3D…”, and being ready to run in case of imminent spewage.

That was about as close as I’d want to get.

A “heavy-metal vomit party” is more my speed.

I see a lot of problems with this theory. I see a lot of problems with the theoretical deployment of such a device. I see problems with an escalation of “both sides” using lights. Some of these so-called protesters are already shining lasers at police and other targets of their “protests”. I don’t consider much of what’s going on after dark “protest”. No light is going to stop somebody from throwing a rock at it from a hundred feet away. Although it may cause their aim to be off quite a bit. Everybody is picturing their own scenario where this “theoretical light” is unlikely to have a desirable effect. That’s my assumption of why you’re getting a collective head shake.

I want a phased-plasma rifle in the 40W range.

dehc111 said:

What police academy did you graduate from? There are already less than lethal force options out there. This makes me think you want to use it on police.

I’ve encountered a few people in seizure or just recovering. But never have I personally seen one caused by a strobe light. Taking this technology up a few notches will still require time to work “if” it works. I see this used as an area denial tool along with pepper foggers and loud sirens. Something mounted to a truck going down riot clogged street. Alternatives are in development; loud speakers with a choice of classical music, babies crying and a dying rabbit. Pepper spray replaced with odors of vomit, feces and vanilla. Many cities have used classical music to drive the criminal element out of areas as it seems to irritate them as it attracts normal people in. In a protest I’m familiar with Vanilla scents were sprayed covertly. Not expecting that smell many people fled not sure of what it really was. It also cleared all the mosquitoes away.

I might hafta try that. I got a covert mosquito-factory around here somewhere

Man, i really need to get my EMP gun ready

i do not think he did, if he did he’d know police can only use approved methods and tactics, no way in hell police would be using some diy strobe that has no dept approval.


Who knows, maybe you and texas shooter are right. It’s just the way he says “someone close to you who may be disillusioned taking to the streets in protests and gets gunned down by the police doing their job”. People get shot when they put others in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, NOT for protesting. That will not change because of this so called tactical light.

Remember Kwai Chang Caine could extinguish a candle with his bare hands? And no touchy!

BTW Do you recognize the logo of THIS website/seller?

kennybobby that sounds like a great idea and good place to start.

You ask a very good question. Here is within where the heart of the challenge resides. Now if at any point the concept im portraying violates any physical laws please correct me.

When we talk of amplitude and frequency we do so in a reference of time we call a pulse. So pulsing is the time/state of actual on/off condition of the photon source. Phase shifting would be manipulating a sequence of pulse events if we define a single event as both the on time and off time in a sequential timeline. I think that is similar in concept to what the graph represents.

With that being said it may be possible to produce the same effect but as we start layering dimensions of control we limit our ability to modify each layer individually. if a component which affects the effect we desire is absolute then a layer is consumed.

I think the control system is gonna need instructions which can address each individual layers specific range of functionality to achieve the grand effect.

I think it may be prudent to first derive the number of layers we will need to produce the intended effect. If it is possible to look at the problem in that regard. My background is in computer technology where the logical core of everything is divided into stacks of layers. So i tend to look at things from that logical perspective. Sometimes it gets in my way lol.

I may be jumping ahead of myself.

Does that help with further explaining things and directly answer your questions?