JoshK's Machine Made 'Studio Light' for the 7th Annual BLF/OL Contest (FINISHED)

That turned out nice. :+1: It looks mean, like a hovercraft or something. And real bright too!

Hovercraft Mode :smiley:

Also works as a Ceiling Bounce Mode :slight_smile:

I’m lovin’ this thing :smiley:
I have used to 3 different nights to paint 3D prints in the back yard after dark, and it worked perfect. I have such a wide working area I just back away from the toxic cloud slowly and keep painting. No respirator needed. And it’s easy to see the wet vs dry areas with such a quality light. :partying_face:

I also used it last night to search the garage for a screwdriver.

Last week my wife and daughter were playing on the floor, and my wife asked for a picture. I grabbed it and aimed it at the white ceiling and clicked it on for good lighting. They BOTH closed their eyes and giggled just from the intense ceiling bounce :smiley: After their eyes adjusted we got a good picture :person_with_crown:


This would make my job as a light pole redundant.

Uber cool :partying_face: :+1:

Absolutely Beautiful ” JoshK ” :beer:
Wow :+1: Using that color sets it apart. :+1:
Great design and build. :beer:
You nailed it with everything, Goals, Presentation, Pictures, and Purpose of use. Wow :+1:

Hell yea on the enthusiasm :smiley: Thanks :+1:

wow, that is pretty cool,

Here’s some pics taken just minutes ago. It has been used a LOT, but still looks great. I take excellent care of all my stuff :smiley:

Looks like it made a safe landing. :smiley:

This has to be the most unique looking but still practical build in this year’s comp :beer:


Thanks guys. ‘Unique’ is an excellent complement. I fancy myself a bit of an inventor as a hobby :slight_smile:
I should really make YouTube videos about all the unique things around my house :slight_smile:

Love it! I need a good photo/ video light. I might borrow some of your ideas.

I’ve come to feel the front of it looks a bit incomplete with the screws and solder pads on the COB showing. So I decided to make a nice cover for each. I left them white to be sure they don’t cause any tinted halo effect.
The light got put to use again late last night, and I’m glad to report the improved look didn’t sacrifice any performance. :slight_smile:

What a beautiful light! I love the unique and futuristic design!


I think this thing has ruined flashlights for me :sunglasses: . Just moments ago I needed to dig the broken base of a candle-shaped incandescent bulb out of a ceiling fan. Instead of grabbing my trusty flashlight and trying to hold it in my mouth or hand, I just grabbed the trusty studio light and brought the daylight. It made the whole room brighter than if the lights were on in the room, I could see right to the bottom of the socket :stuck_out_tongue: This baby is a portable room light replacement :smiley:

Unfortunately I’m not able to see the pics on my computer or phone. :cry: