Lumintop GT nano on the way

Your question applies to everything in the capitalistic world. Toyota, BMW, Hondas etc. all make many different models that cover a HUGE price range. How about Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens, Hermes, LV, etc.? Aren’t those all much bigger cash grab?

No, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens, Hermes, LV, etc. are known Toys for the rich.
No cash grab involved.

I am just pointing out the subtle differences in flashlights that the makers would like us to believe we need to “fill out our collection”
No harm, no foul, it’s not like they are holding a gun to our heads :slight_smile:



Cute little thang. Interested

That’s quite a double standard you got there. Because Flashlights are known Toys for the poor, flashlight manufacturers are not allowed to make multiple offerings? And what makes you think rich folks don’t like flashlights?

No one is making you believe you need to “fill out our collection”. Under capitalism, any company can produce whatever product they want and consumers decide with their wallets whether those products make sense or not. For the consumers, the more options the better. For manufacturers, they are taking risk whenever they produce a new product. In general, more products sell below expectations than above.

Also, you will be surprise how many people like miniature throwers, which is basically non existent, besides the few modded offerings from Skylumen.

Yeah, All right, you WIN.
No double standard, we all buy what we like.

Capitalism is the sheet, no debate there.
I am still signed up to buy one, maybe you missed that?
Peace Out.

Ha. Well, guess I gotta finish out the family. Count me in.

I’m in for one. But would definitely want the 1mm white flat in it.

Will save me having to do it myself.



well i think u miss something here… not everyone wants or have needs for the biggest blf gt… its nice they offer gts in different sizes etc… so if u want a thrower there is something that says u cant have them smaller? according to u it seems wrong… we all have different needs. think about it. and we talk about lights for around 30$… hardly that much money that it should be a problem suddenly…

I’m particularly fond of small throwy flashlights. There are very few throwy lights in the AA-size (the ones that are there are mostly aspheric type) and the micro-GT is a very well executed one (the reflector is superb), I have 2 of them now (one still to be modded with a Boost HL). But in AAA-size there is virtually nothing so I’m looking forward to the Nano and hope that it is just as well done as the Micro.

I have been waiting for the nano. I didn’t know they would make one, but none of the previous version caught my interest as much as this one. I was almost going to get the micro, but I have a C8+ for only $15. I’m excited for the 10180 format.

Interested, I have my eye on a rofis r1 but if this deal is sweet enough this could be next

Interested if there is a white flat version, either now or in future.






Definitely interested!!!