MRV giveaway - CLOSED

C'mon people, still plenty of time to enter. I'll even throw in some world famous Hawaiian Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts with the Romisen. Yummy!

I want the Macadamia nuts!


Now 208 registered users!

I'll have the Chocolates. That's sorted.


You guys. Laughing

I want the Chocolate

I got dibs on the chocolate.

You snooze you lose

Between schnauzers, chocolates and flashlights, this is getting confused.


When I am in Hawaii, I hit up the ABC stores and Hilo Hati (sp) and pick up boxes and boxes of those. MMMM. Now I just crave them, so I kinda want the romisen now lol.

This is not about dibs. It's a contest, picked by Don's dog, which should be included as a prize.

I would love go to Hawaii.

Never been on Holiday

ABC stores are still all over the place but Hilo Hatties has closed up several stores because of the slow economy. I ate lots of choc. mac nuts over the 1st year or so I was here but not so much anymore. My sister who visits from Alaska every summer buys cases of them to take back home with her. I bet her family dentist is a millionaire by now. Laughing

Been awhile since i've logged on here... bogged down with my honours thesis. But in the politest way possible - I WANT THE MRV!

Good luck with the thesis! Writing them up is a huge pain.

Thanks, yeah, it was ridiculously harder than I though it would be. The thing with honours is that in our faculty, supervisors vary a lot in the amount of assistance they provide, where mine expected mostly independent work. One girl in my group literally saw her supervisor three times over the year. Whereas one of my friends had a project all laid out for him + tons of feedback. Oh well, i'm suffering from serious burn out, so am going to take a long break next year. :)

Sign me up for the MRV

bumpity bump

Don i just sen you a pm regarding this thread

Thread Locked Laughing

That's exactly what I have done!

WOW so many wantings and not enough lights to go around lol.