MTN Electronics: LEDs - Batteries - Lights - Chargers - Hosts - Drivers - Components - 1-Stop-US Source

It should go back up. It goes back up on my samples. I changed the code so that it increases very slowly, and after the temperature has cooled below the set threshold by some amount to reduce hysteresis.

Pretty normal. There are big variances in the MCUs and 7135s.

Try one of the Nanjg 101’s flashed with guppydrv, it has become my stock driver for just about anything.

1.4A and plenty of modes… Let us know how this works with the amber LED, whatever you find.

Hey Richard,

Just wondering if you have any battery orders enroute?

Was looking for the WindyFire 14500 unprotected button top and some unprotected 16340 and even a couple of that Efest 14250.


wow, heavily increased shipping costs to Germany … what is the reason for that?



Kenjii because it is D-Day, that’s why. LOL just kidding.


seems the TPAD triple MCPCB is the reason. Without the TPAD shipping drops from 22US$ to 13,25US$. But is it really that heavy?



Yes. I have Windyfire coming, but Efest has discontinued the 14250, so I'm going to disable it.

USPS raised their prices significantly at the beginning of the year. You can check for current rates. I don't overcharge on shipping, and if we charge you too much we refund the difference. That has always been the policy.


i added the TPAD again and placed the order now. Shipping costs stayed at 13.25US$ … you did some magic to the store!



Nope. I didn't change a thing. You have something different in your order.

Finally got around to populating a couple of the new V1.11 17mm drivers. One I did for a psw-te25 firmware/power switch light using the provided kit parts, having a 25 MCU but using a SIR800DP instead, and the other board I built up for Narsil/e-switch usage: larger voltage divider resistor values, Tiny85 MCU, SIR404DP, no OTC.

Both bench tested perfectly, so look'n nice and stable. Love these boards - nice thin look, but better//heavier traces. Can't wait to see them in action.

This board, combined with the Tiny85 and top spec'd SIR404DP FET, can't really get much better.

Thanks Again Richard!

Richard, can you build a 22mm single-cell driver for the Jaxman host?
I don’t know if that would need more than ‘just’ mounting an existing driver on a bigger diameter board.

He does have this: 22mm Fet

There is a new 20mm FET+1, but I guess a 22mm version is easily doable by keeping exactly the same layout and just adding 2mm extra balank space to the pcb.

Yup. once RMM’s driver that works with TK’s firmware settles down, it’ll be 17mm I’m sure.
I’d like to get that mounted onto a 22mm board to fit the Jaxman.
I know y’all can do this stuff yourselves.
I can, sometimes, but — older and with shaky hands — results can get ugly.

Hank, I'm a bit confused. What firmware are you talking about? Bistro? That's been available since February. I don't have a 22mm FET+7135 yet, but you can bet there's one coming.

> 22mm FET+7135 …. there’s one coming.

That’s all I needed to know on this question, thanks!
Much simpler answer than I was imagining.

Hey Richard, two questions:

1. Do you plan on offering the XP-G3 on a 16mm pad?

2. I’m looking at building a Convoy S6 (the reason for question #1) with a smooth reflector. Could you swap the standard OP reflector for the SMO, or should I just order it separately?


  1. Yes, I have been waiting a long time for them to come. I just heard yesterday that they are finally almost ready.
  2. You should order it separately. They only come separate from the light.