Need advise: Looking for moddable 1xCR123A light

Wow that thing has a beefy pill. I still like the looks of the A20 the best though.

Thanks E130,

Did you bought your A30B from DX?
I think I’ll just get this light and If I find this form factor fit my needs I’m going to get the A20B. But I might even buy the A20 by July if budget permits. :bigsmile:

Yes I got mine from DX and when they say direct drive they aren’t kidding it has a bare dummy plate with wires going right to the emitter.

Hahahaha. Good thing I’m simply looking for a good host.
Will order it and hopefully they will be able to ship in a few days.
Thanks E1320


I Just ordered the Following lights and now waiting for shipping.

Ultrafire A30B from DX - preparing for shipment
Ultrafire M1 XML from Manafont - shipped
Generic Silver 3w Cree P4 3-Mode LED Mini Flashlight from Ebay - waiting for shipment

Been looking for an Ultrafire A20 but no luck so far. :frowning:

Update, Just received two lights today
Ultrafire M1 XML from Manafont
Generic Silver 3w Cree P4 3-Mode LED Mini Flashlight from Ebay

I already modded both,
The UF M1 is hard to mod but worth it as the parts and quality is top notch, I replaced the CW XML with NW and NANJNG 2.8A driver plus a CQG reverse clicky switch. It has great heat-sinking as it has a copper(I think) module but downside is its heavier for its size.
Really love the result, Got a quality pocket Rocket. J)

The light I bought from ebay has low quality all over it but easy to mod, replaced the P4 with XML and 3xAMC Nanjg driver. This will be a good for lending light as I set the Modes to High and Low.

Still waiting for the Ultrafire A30B from DX.

SIze COmparison pix

TF Mini01, EBay CREE, UF M1, SF L2m