New build inspired by the most inspirational member here. OL. Updated 26.3.17 post 235. One light has been completed.

The second light was polished up last night. If I get time I can start assembling tonight. Unfortunately I only have one set of batteries so cant run them both at once. My light I will be able to do a bit of torture testing with.
I agree with your sentiments RBD. Even his fails, we knew he would come back another day and accomplish what he had originally failed at. His ability to learn from others was aslo inspiring. The way he put multi drivers together etc, his achievements just never stopped. :slight_smile:

OL’s way of explaining and talking / was very informative and enjoyable to listen to

That is stunning. Well done sir! A wonderful tribute build to our departed friend.

And then there were two.



:heart_eyes: Seeing double must be drunk with lust! :smiley:

Whew! Absolutely stunning work. Many hours invested there!!! That last image may just become my computer desktop background. Can’t quit staring at it!!!

Thanks for the journey! TL

Wow, this is truly amazing

And knowing, how many things come together when you build a big light it is even more impressive that you had the endurance to make two of those!! Thank you for documenting everything so nicely.

Polaris is a double star. :sunglasses:

That first pic is unreal!
Can’t you just change your avatar so I don’t have to open this topic son often :smiley:

I will try harder next time to make sure that it will be your desktop. :wink:
The journey continues as I will have some run time/temp tests tomorrow along with some night shots.
Thanks for following the journey TL. OL had a lot of followers.

Get rid of the Moose? That would be a tough one. :frowning:
Glad you like the pics Miller.

Thanks RBD. I learnt something tonight. :+1:

As mentioned previously it was a labour of love. the comments from you, the members here, make it all worthwhile.
These builds dont always, make that never go smoothly all the way through. These were several parts redesigned after plan A’s failed, but as OL would do, he would came back with the issues licked.

And I’ll have one with you. :beer: Thanks.

The first one was awesome so I thought seeing 2 side by side might’ve lost it’s edge but I was wrong. Double kwoor!

Wow! Like pinkpanda said, I was expecting two to be less spectacular. But no! Seeing the two together is more spectacular! Your talent is just too much! And the high amount of shine from polishing everything is something Old-Lumens would love! I was always amazed and how well he shined up those Mags!

Thanks so much for doing these tribute lights. :+1:

Poor pussy. I thought it had a hole in its neck until I realised what it was in actuality. I like it as freakish as it is. :slight_smile:

Yep lots of polishing David. I believe the brass should be called finger print heaven. I’m not game to clean the lenses as they appear to not be there they are that clear.

First up we have the run time tests. The temps were measured with a non calibrated DMM.
The test set up. The temperature sensor was positioned in a heat tube inside the head.

The run time graph needs a little explaining. The numbers on the left represent temp in Celsius and only a reference to light output.
On the temp scale no fan was used for the first ten minutes. From ten minutes to forty five minutes the fan was run on low at which time it was switched off.
I believe the copper heat pipes worked extremely well when the fan was on. Heat could be felt blowing gently out the tube on the opposite side of the fan.
This test was performed twice, the first time with the fan on medium and secondly on low. The fan position was about 1.5 meters from the light so it was not sitting next to it.
The first test with the fan on medium the temperature of the light dropped to about 30 degrees C where as the temp dropped to 45 degrees C with the fan on low.
The driver on the light is rated at 12 amps on high with no step down programmed into it.
I was more than happy to see the light run for an hour before light output dropped to about half of maximum output.

I dont have a lot of lights that I could compare to this light so the lights shown are just a few from off the shelf.
I was surprised that the C83 at 6.6 meters had the same throw and output on the mystery pipe light meter was near on identical as well. Saying that both lights did not sit on the opening properly as the bezels are to large to sit down on the shelf of the pipe meter.
The hot spot of the XHP70 N4 3C was a lot larger than the hot spot of the C83 which is not evident in the pictures. I have mentioned in previous threads that this is the nicest tint led I have come across. Even nicer (to me) than the MTG2 5000K tint.
The tree being aimed at is about 115 meters away.

I find myself wandering back to this thread. There could never be a better tribute to Old Lumens than what you have done and created here. Simply beyond anything he would have dreamed of. Thank You Steve. Thank you. TL

I went trough this thread several times and every time I do I get more and more humbled by your build. Your skills and knowledge along with aesthetics talent are impressive.

Thanks Cula. It was because of members like OL’s here that allowed this to happen. You all seriously humble me.

I’m just glad he saw the start of the lights being built and thank you Dan from me.

that is a wonderful name for this project