New Fireflylite Flashlights arrived! They are absolutely amazing!

Did You experience issues with this particular MAO? Or are You speaking from general experience?

I already had a couple MAOs, among them an Emisar, and the coating wasn’t that fragile all things considered. I managed to scratch it off the tail cap while carrying it with some Allen keys (I have the magnetic option and it attracted them while jostling around in my backpack) but otherwise it’s durable enough for my needs :slight_smile:

The FF fossil MAO is more durable than Hank’s or Simon’s MAO in my experience thus far.

1 Thank

I found that opening it by the head-tube connection is far easier. Give it a try!

Please more people request for the E21A 2000k. I really want to buy another one of those for the NOV-MU v2.

2 Thanks

Already did my part :slight_smile:

I have them in a PL09mu and I’d love to get them in a nov-mu too for the additional brightness.