ON HOLD [groupbuy] MATEMINCO E01

Quite fancy the copper one

In for 1 copper, filled out form.

One copper please! Filled out the form.

Filled out the form for a copper one.

Filled out form, one copper, thanks!

I think it would be a whole lot nicer if it didn’t have the branding flat on the side of the battery tube, one less machining operation, and a full round tube would be much more sexier with that knurling on such a compact light, laser etch the branding around the bezel? :+1:

+1 for sure

Did anyone hear from Neal until now?!

he told me that he wanted to contact you all thos week

Filled out the form for one copper E01 :partying_face:

NW Copper for me please. NIce … :slight_smile:

sale is on hold due to some who-sells-what-where-******* :(

i keep you updated!

Oh nooo…… :frowning:

What the!!.

Lord have mercy, tell me this isn’t going to be another fight with “Banggood vs Manufacturer”

due some problem,I can’t sell this light now.
Maybe someone will sell this soon.

Thanks for letting us know Neal. Hope all is well with you

Martin / Neal both thank you for trying. We do appreciate it!

I hope ‘some problem’ only refers to this light Neal, and not your new business. Take care!

Best of Luck in your new (ad)ventures Neal! :+1: