Research: Has SOS mode ever saved anyone?

Yeah I took my ham test back when we had to know morse code.

Yeah in cali but lost calls in arkansas are always in the wet and cold winter (out of state deer hunters). In my county the first response is the fire dept so we are gonna be there either way.

One day, I saw a car on the highway turn over onto the roof.
It was night. Lighting on the road was not.
The battery of the car probably fell out of the car (or was damaged).
Absolute darkness.
Thank God the passengers were not injured.
I was afraid that because of the darkness someone would crash into a car lying on the roof.

This is where the SOS signal on my flashlight came in handy.
Now passing cars stopped. There were no additional accidents.

Cool story, Silent_Star!

SOS actually saved someone.

Yes, I very well remembered two things from this incident: the very surprised faces of the passengers.
Not scared, but surprised. They could not believe / realize what happened to them.
And the second: how slowly other cars approached us.
The drivers understood that an unusual situation occurred on the highway and were very careful.