Review: Custom Eagletac D25LC2 xp-g2

Wow Match, great review and tantalizing content.

All I can add is, “I have got to get me some of that!” :money_mouth_face:

Thanks for an awesome review Match!

Heh...funny you should ask, and you're close...

Measurements are 20.75mm in diameter and 16.15mm deep.

Match, apart from the beamshots, how would you describe the tint (and beam profile) in detail? How does it compare to other tints?

My posts are not showing up somehow:
Ok new try;

How can a XPG2 drawing 2A from a cell have a longer runtime than a XML at 2A?
Isn’t there just the same amount of juice taken from the battery?

Next question;
If anyone has a stock XML ET, and replaces his with a XPG2, would that be the same as this light?

4Sevens clip? Nice design.

To answer your first question: It won't. They will both draw 2 amps from a battery in high and have the same runtime. My comment on better runtime was directed at the observation of how this custom ET gives a comparable beam to a P60 XML ~2.8a.

Second question: The driver is the same, however I think the reflector would be different. I don't own the xml version though, so I'm not certain.

IMHO, the beam profile is a good blend of throw and flood. Despite the head size, it still offers respectable throw. Again, the beam profile to me looks identical to the manafont UF XM-L drop-in. As far as tints go, I'm not sure which bin they used but I'm guessing 1A by how it looks. Pure white whithout a hint of green or any other color for that matter.

That's the best definition of CoolWhite.

Most of the XM-L T6 CW by Eagletac in other Eagletac flashlights were like that. There was only minimal tint lottery with the T6 CW. Perfect pure white in most cases (lottery won), only very rarely did the T6 CW have a tendency to green-ish (lottery lost). That's what ET customers really appreciated about their lights. The consistency of the pure white tint in their XM-L T6 CW flashlights. Yeah, a very cool cool frosty white with no greenish/lime-ish tint coloration whatsoever; if there was one, i'd associate this hard cool white with blue-ish/purple-ish .. but the beam wasnt that either. It is my favorite ET tint, across the beam profile there is no variation of tint, i.e. deviation from the pure frosty white, which makes it so perfect and beautiful. In flashlights of other brands i hate it when the hotspot has a different tint than the corona, and the spill has again another different tint: 3 really different tints across the beam profile, and typically the corona would be yellow-ish or green-ish. How i hate that! Well, that's CREE. But in most cases of the ET T6 CW there wasnt such a thing. You knew what to expect, you knew what to get, and the customer didnt get disappointed about the tint in their Eagletac T6 CW flashlight.

With the XM-L U2 CW by Eagletac — and we know that the LED's are by CREE and not by ET — there was a bit more of a tint lottery. More importantly, all the U2 CW's, that is all CREE U2's as seen in flashlights, had a clear tendency to lime-ish .. and in worse cases to green-ish. So the tint lottery consisted in whether you get a minimally lime-ish U2 or a clearly green-ish U2, and not if you ever get a pure white U2, because pure white U2's by CREE dont exist (unless the examiner is colorblind or doesnt have a real pure white reference tint such as a perfect ET T6 CW at hand for direct comparison purposes).

There was nothing that Eagletac could do about it: if CREE U2's are like that, then that's what you will see in an ET flashlight.

I noticed the great tint, very similar to the above described T6 CW, of the ET XP-G S2 CW: pure frosty white, no tint or coloration, no variation across the beam profile. That's Eagletac back to its tradition: great tint in their flashlights, with consistency. No surprises, no lottery.

And now you're reporting the same for the ET XP-G2 R5 CW!! :D

That's awesome. I am going to confirm your report, i have ordered some ET XP-G2 as well. Ordering it mostly for its great tint and the fact that its beam "looks" brighter, even if U2 CW lumens output is higher on the paper.

Just wanted to thank you, match and kreishill, for the reviews and interesting info :crown: :beer:
Will just put this smiley for the light: :heart_eyes:
’Nuff said.

It’s soooo tempting……

Heh...Just "DOO EEET" Tongue Out

You nailed it. We look at lumens on paper, but we see lux in real life.

Thanks very much! Frontpage’d and Sticky’d.

Match, how much did you pay for the flashlight and how much was shipping?

Um, I’ve been using a u2 emitter in my edc for a couple of weeks, perhaps I’m blind, but I don’t see no green or lime, just a nice even white light. Dunno if it makes a difference, but it’d fed by a 2.6a ld25 current controlled driver in a lop reflector.

Nope, just been and white walled it on low and high in a pitch black room. Cool white from hot spot, through corona to the edge of spill.

I’m happy, don’t care what you think. 8) :stuck_out_tongue: :bigsmile:

I missed this review the first time around - very nicely done !

from eagletac:

“Ok, The price of D25LC2 XP-G2 with XM-L circuit board is $61.9 for each.

Plus,add the $20.0 shipping fee by DHL.

We receive the paypal only and our paypal account is

Lead time is 4 to 6 weeks

no way Match, you paid 81.90US$ for a d25lc2?

omg omfg $)

Not sure if match got a deal or something but this is a direct strike from the e-mail i recieved from Christina at eagletac when i asked about this custom.

Was looking to buy two but 140usd is out of my wheelhouse, so will pass.

Reading this post has made me try the XP-G2 2B I was saving in my E1320 modded UF2100, all I can say is WOW! that little led is a monster! almost as bright as the XML when driven hard and a much smaller hotspot! Thanks for giving me the idea.
