Solarforce L2P Grey

Upgrade how? The $2 is for registered shipping.

ow...didnt know that, I thought the 2$ is regular air shipping. Thanks.

It's gone. The grey one is not available on solarforce-sales again. Hope we don't have to wait to long to get a new edition.

Yeah, I noticed that today when I went to order one or two of those "free" R2 drop ins.

What's up with that??? I had just placed an order when I noticed that on the front page. I sent them an email saying that if they're really free and not just a typo to please include one in my order.

I noticed there is now a gray Ultrafire 503B available.

Searching the pages on soalrforce-sales, but I didn't find anything like that. Where is the catch?

After posting that I got a cancellation since it was a pricing error. Knew it was too good to be true.