Super Bright Laser

You can get one for 5 bucks :~ ebay, manafont, or any other online (china) store. It will be a 2xAAA laser, but still. I bought mine from ebay for 5 bucks and it's very good quality for that price. Worldwide shipping included.

I have been thinking to buy a laser to light up clouds and generally just to see "how far it goes".

Haven´t dared to buy one, no real need + they really can harm you if used accidentally.

cd520. they are more expensive than i hoped, but cheaper than a new pair of eyes, as they say. i have a low power green which is pretty cool. if i get another it would probably be the one E1320 recommends. is there a way to get a uv filter to put on it, and if so, that doesn't eliminate the need for glasses i assume. the problem, as far as glasses go, is i would have to get some for my girlfriend, me, possibly the cat, and probably my goofball friend who would see it, grab it, turn it on and shine it in his own face all within the first 30 seconds of coming over to visit. i've always wanted to get one, but when you start adding the costs to make it reasonably safe to use, still better than taking any chances, it becomes pretty expensive. thanks.

Man, E; that laser is so damn awesome.


E, that looks similar to the one I got from T-Mart but mine came with a supplied 18650 battery and the key-switch.

Putting a UV filter on it would not be of any use in reducing the damage potential any more than putting a coffee filter over the barrel of a shotgun would reduce the risk of it blowing a hole in your head! safe use and safety equipment is the way to go.

The following quote from a thread on about safety glasses summed it up for me:-

Originally Posted by pseudolobster
Have you looked at the price of eyes lately?

My insurance company values them at $1,000,000 each, and I have lousy coverage. Bionic eye implants will only give you a grainy blurry black and white image where you can only make out shadows, and they cost hundreds of millions of dollars. I think if $50 now can save you hundreds of millions of dollars down the road, it's not worth cheaping out and not spending the extra $40 for actual certified laser goggles which are guaranteed to do what they claim, and actually protect your eyes from damage. $50 to save yourself a lifetime of blackness, never being able to work again, having difficulty doing simple tasks like walking around outside, is totally worth it if you ask me. If you're willing to risk permanently crippling yourself to save $40 then by all means, go for it.

Lasers are great fun especially high powered lasers that shoot beams that seem to reach the stars and can light a match at 20 feet (or burn the sofa at 4 feet!) but they are also dangerous if not used with the utmost respect and that is one of the reasons that i now satisfy most of my lumen needs with flashlights

EDIT:- on the other hand...

yeah, and that is the exact reason i don't have a high power one yet. i think i am going to get E1320's though, if i can find some cheap glasses. i've read that red lasers of similar power actually burn things and pop balloons better, but that green one is very cool.

as was discussed earlier in the thread, i'm not sure everyone is aware that just the relfection can be all bad.

mmm... I knew about it, but now that I read again... I don't want anymore the 1000mW laser, even using glasses I think it's not safe to have one

Imagine that a child or a friend that doesn't know about it just pick the laser... That happened to me with a 100mW, a fiend took it and started using it in my bedroom. Luckily nothing went wrong, but it's always risky.

and the damage can be permanent. a lot like knives or guns, they just need to be handled with knowledge and common sense, and not treated like toys. like you said, even if you know that, you have to make sure the people around you do too, and i've always been a little concerned that someone will not understand the potentially serious consequences.

Blind Laser Forum?

thanks, i think. so, anybody have suggestions for cheap protective glasses? thanks.

I have thought the same thing but going to jail doesn't excite me so I will not try it.

I make no comment on the quality or otherwise of these... a search on LPF should yield reviews and opinions.

and even cheaper still

or my personal favourite (but way more expensive)

this is not going to be as cheap as i thought

I will again state do not shine these bright lasers at anything reflective and that includes a license plate. What I thought was cool definately hurt my eyes. I'm better now, but be smart. These things aren't toys, and they need to be treated just like guns and kept in safe place away from children.

I saw some decent glasses for $30 bucks that got good test reviews. Let me find the link for you. Meanwhile order the laser while you can still get them they have sold out a couple times since I got mine.

especially for that price. i guess i should. thanks.

Why dont you try these glasses out…
I own a pair myself, and they work fine…