The making of the BLF UC4 charger: the start of a new venture, INTEREST LIST, UPDATE 7 (Well, ramping stopped :/ )

It’s going to be world-wide.

Thats nice :wink:

Interested 1

Up to date interest list
Total quantity (at the moment): 256

Thank you Thomas for sharing above with us :beer:
I don’t know if it’s too late but I would really like the BLF UC4 charger to be a little bit “inspired” by above TLF charger.

I especially like the simplicity of choosing some important parameters, i.e.:

  1. chemistry of battery
  2. end of charge voltage

I’m interested

I’m in for one please.

Wishful thinking.

interested in one please

@BlueSwordM: Is it just wishful thinking or maybe…?

That, I can’t say much about until I get home, but while the features are already there, I doubt we’ll be able to get a screen of this quality.

Honestly I don’t think we need one of this quality.
All I care about is the simplicity of choosing some important parameters, i.e.:

  1. chemistry of battery
  2. end of charge voltage

Thanks for the correction and good luck with the project, I look forward to the end result.

I mean, here’s the basic of how it’s going to work(UI still in progress)

- First boot with input from user

  • If lithium-ion voltages are detected, make the user choose between li-ion or LiFePO4.

- No input from the user after subsequent boots.

  • Will choose between lithium-ion and NiMH.
  • Default current of 700/800mA depending on final choice(should be good, even for AAA NiMH)

- Voltage button input from the user

  • With normal press, assume selection for all lithium-ion chemistries if voltages above 1,75V are detected, and NiMH below that.
  • If no long press is detected, use selected chemistry to charge the battery.
  • If a long press is detected with li-ion or LiFePO4, allow user to choose end of charge voltage (3,4-3,6V/3,4V-4,2V)
  • If NiMH is selected with a long press, VLCLV recovery mode is activated for lithium-ion chemistries (xV-3,0V)

- Amperage button input from the user


Wow formatting is trash.

How frequently will it scan the bays for new battery voltages?

Yep I do not mean to dishearten anyone, I also could now better but something I definitively know is to maximize bang for the buck.

And while I may understand DLYFULL's intention with their “UT4 platform”, I do not think it can fully meet the BLF UC4 requirements.

Raspberry/Banana/Melon/Pussy Pi and other inexpensive computers are common nowadays. This means there is a range of small, dot matrix displays being mass produced. Some 4.5" smartphone screens are cheap as chips, and high resolution. There must be some super cheap, decent resolution tactile screen able to fit the bill, even if this means raising the budget a little bit. There are plenty of mass produced smartphone displays for replacement who may be going down in the trash due to lack of sales, for example. These are gorgeous looking tactile screens.

Didn’t see my name on the list from #193. I’m in for 1.

I’m in for one, please!

interested in 1

Up to date interest list
Total quantity (at the moment): 256

Thank you Thomas for sharing above with us :beer:
I don’t know if it’s too late but I would really like the BLF UC4 charger to be a little bit “inspired” by above TLF charger.

I especially like the simplicity of choosing some important parameters, i.e.:

  1. chemistry of battery
  2. end of charge voltage

Man, that is sweet!


UI is in progress. Waiting for feedback and finalization.