The making of the BLF UC4 charger: the start of a new venture, INTEREST LIST, UPDATE 7 (Well, ramping stopped :/ )

I am excited to see this project, definitely interested in one!

Can’t wait to see what you guys can produce :smiley:

Interested on getting 1 unit as well!

Interested in 1 thanks

I find no reason for you to excuse yourself.

So, after a manufacturer fled because this project was probably too demanding for them, what's the new aim?

That manufacturer probably also didn't like that the stuff was incredibly good for the given target price. Other manufacturers may also fear this, doesn't it?

Ah, no, it’s not in relation to this I’m excusing myself. Just the lack of communication on my part.

The new aim is to have an actual realistic design that can be built in a functional prototype. That will give me a large leverage over manufacturers.

Since DLYFull left me dry, I do have another option though.

It’s totally okay if people want to be taken off the interest list. Don’t take it personally or as a condemnation if they aren’t satisfied with a project that they weren’t developing. Remove them from the list and go on.

It’s also totally okay for BlueSwordM to operate on his own until assistance becomes useful or required. He should ask for input and contribution when and where he needs it.

BlueSwordM did announce that the project was on hold, so people should not be surprised that it has not progressed since then. Yes, there were times when communication may have been scarce, but our project leader is obviously a busy, poor college student who has many of the same survival concerns as millions of other people in the world right now.

And if it becomes obvious that there is no practical way to complete this charger, then BlueSwordM should end the project. We probably aren’t there, yet, as he’s still interested and committed, but primarily lacks the time and a manufacturer. If either interest or commitment wanes or no manufacturer can be found after a reasonable search, then he should cancel the UC4.

None of this reflects poorly on anyone, even DLYFull, as they have the right to do as they wish.

Until money changes hands, no one owes anybody anything. If a volunteer project stops being fun, then stop doing the project, even if 5,000 people are signed up on the interest list.

Hey man. You do good stuff here. I’m not sure why someone would duck out of an interest list (and it’s really only that at this point, not even a commitment to definitely buy it) over some delays. How long did people wait for the FW3A? The LT1?

Also, things are crazy right now. There is a global pandemic occurring. Normal commercial projects with massive development teams are getting delayed. So, I hope you don’t get discouraged. I’ll still be waiting on this charger unless… Well, unless someone basically makes this charger. In which case, we all win anyway, right? So please don’t feel like the lack of progress is unacceptable. There’s only one charger out there that’s anywhere close to this project’s aims, the SkyRC MC3000. And this one is aiming to be better and cheaper. That’s ambitious!

I guess what I’m saying is you have my support. And I’m sure that of others as well.


I’m totally following this project as I want a charger like this but dont want to pay $100+ for the MC3000. If you can make it happen that would be awesome. Hang in there. This stuff doesn’t happen overnight. You dont have a design team, a big budget, and direct ties to manufacturers like the Chinese companies (DLYfull, Miboxer, Xtar, efest, etc) who can make it either.

Yes, like others are saying you have our support! Hang in there, sometimes the goals we have don’t have a straight path. They’re full of twists and turns and obstacles just like life. Don’t get down on yourself.

I suspect Brooks’ law applies to hardware as well as to software.

And “in a suitably complex system there is a certain irreducible number of errors. Any attempt to fix observed errors tends to result in the introduction of other errors”

I’m interested in one. I was on the FW3A list and actually had been so long I forgot about it until the email came to pony up. Nice surprise and great light to boot, well worth the wait! So no rush, I have the rest of my life to wait…haha.

I don’t know if this has been discussed before, I’d be willing to bet it has, but I would be willing to kick into a kick starter type of thing to make it more worth while to spend your time.

@Asbestos Nope, not yet. I need a functional prototype, along with easily made plans for now. Then maybe I’ll start it.

EVERYBODY, the project is now put back in action!

I’m new here and to the whole flashaholic deal.
I may not need one but I want one.


Haha lol.

So, currently the electronics list for the prototype charger build is this:

- Large buck converter for the input.

- Small USB boost converter for the USB output. Will have to convert the one I have to USB-C for obvious reasons. Are there are 5V3A USB-C boost boards currently on the market? Haven’t found any on Aliexpress.

- Small controllable buck converters for each cell output

  • An LCD for reading parameters/voltage.

More advanced stuff

- General microcontroller to control the buck converter’s voltage output to each cell, for obvious reasons

- Temperature probes+monitors.

- Voltage readouts.

  • Current shunts.

Care to explain what the heck do you mean with 5V3A USB-C boost boards? Some power bank board? Power bank boards are plenty in AliExpress, even with USB-C output. Here is an example:

This is not the cheapest but has a powerful microcontroller with more than enough fast charge protocols. Can be grabbed from Hong Kong feng tai, Advanced Tech and All Electronics Trading Company, for example.

In any case, I don't see how a power bank feature can work well unless the charger is built with quality and rather low resistance burden rails. This is the main reason most commercial chargers do bad as power bank devices, in my opinion.

Current shunts? And how is the charger going to have fully adjustable current outputs if it doesn't have some current shunts?

@Barkuti, this is just for a prototype. :smiley:

Just the hardware that I need to build the charger in its basic form.

I am coming into this a bit late, not sure what the maximum cell size the end product is expected to support. I was thinking if you wanted to keep the footprint small for most people’s use like other chargers do, but still support the largest uncommon cells then you could include a connector for a magnetic charging harness. It could be placed such that you can’t plug in if there is a cell in the port it is tapping off of. Or use a 3 pole connector so you can detect it and switch over with a relay.

I think this is aiming to be an enthusiast grade, without much concern for a small footprint or something like that.