The post office asked a new question today!

I think the battery box (plastic case) requirement is more of a new Asian requirement.

IIRC the language they used to describe it was "the device they were intended to operate" of course if it is staying CONUS none of this applies.

What does apply? I looked and couldn’t find consistent answers.

If you’re shipping within the US nothing has ever changed, unless you mention it at the counter and they apply a sticker stating Li-Ion inside.

arent batteries more likely to explode when in actually use inside a device rather then nicely stored???

Don’t forget, youre dealing with the Post Office. In the thirty seven years I’ve worked there, nothing much has made a lot of sense.

If the USPS knew about some of the things I have shipped to myself and others, I would be in jail still to this day. :bigsmile:

I was allowed to board a cruise ship carrying this
Security questioned me about it and all I did was tell them what it was
( a 4 AH 12V lead acid battery for powering my electronic devices)
After they let me pass I realized how scary that thing looks!

USPS worked with the International Carriers transporting the packages,
they are not the originators of the rules of what can/can’t be mailed Internationally (outside of their domain)…

“The Postal Service has worked collaboratively with the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Universal Postal Union and the Federal Aviation Authority to secure the changes needed to allow international mail shipments containing lithium batteries to begin.
Effective Nov. 15, 2012, Postal Service policies will be changed to allow specific quantities of lithium batteries — when installed in the equipment they are intended to operate — to be sent to many international destinations, including APO (Army Post Office), FPO (Fleet Post Office) and DPO (Diplomatic Post Office) locations when permitted by the destination or host country.


Keep your fingers crossed Bort.

Tiny is anxiously waiting for your arrival… J)

Installed in the device? It’d be disastrous if it was an IED!

Don’t forget Tiny’s friend, Bubba. J)

Maybe they are referring to general consumer product like digital camera, video cam, laptop where they thought battery circuit is able to assure safety. They forgot there are many xxxFire flashlights with not much if any protection.

“when installed in the equipment they are intended to operate…”

So you take a battery box, add a resistor and a 14 cent LED; and you have a device (light) intended to be operated by a Li ion battery or batteries.

Alas, Tiny and Bubba had a falling out… something about who drank the last of the pruno.

Better to have them secured in a fancy metal enclosed tube (pipe bomb) than rolling around loose I always say.

I work at ups and after seeing this thread it clicked in my head, I’ve recently noticed all of the best buy boxes say something about containing li-ion batteries.
Must be some new regulation to post it on the box.

Now, that is one great idea!!! Maybe someone can have something like this built for even cheaper in China. A cheap cheap device just for storage purposes. It may even act as a battery testing device.

that doesn’t sound too weird since most electronics use lithium ion for power now, ie laptops