UF-1405 XHP-70 retina burner

I would like to buy a light like this if someone has one to offer and the price is reasonable. Please PM me if you have one for sale.

Thanks for the tips Shrick.

I tried leaving this light on it’s highest mode for several minutes and the output didn’t change in brightness or hue.
It only got a little bit warm. The UF-1405 is fair chunk of metal.

:wink: The overheating issue is in the driver itself, not the flashlight. The driver cannot get rid of the burnt off heat quick enough which causes the 7135 chips to overheat & initiate thermal throttling which drops the regulated amperage. I’m quite surprised that you don’t have the issue, more so because the forward voltage of the XHP-70 is lower than that of the MT-G2 which should worsen the overheating effect.

It might be your batteries that have more voltage sag than full blown high drain cells, but… I’m still kind of doubting if this is the case with your Soshines. So, not really sure why you’re not seeing the issue.

Anyway, I’m glad you’re ok. You can do some more reading about this issue here.

Mmm, I believe you might just, unintentionally, have a very good thermal path between the driver / 7135 chips and the pill… PS: I also remember now the host I’ve used in my MT-G2 built had a brass pill. Yours has an aluminium pill which is better with heat transfer… might be that.

It is partially intentional. The UF-1405 pill has a pressed in brass ring inside the aluminium pill.

I used a fair amount of solder to solder it to the driver earth ring (to which the 7135 heatsink/earth tab connects).

When I’m happy with the driver I chose to use, I’ll try to solder it all the way around the ring for maximum thermal connectivity.