Upset with arsonist

Before hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico had power and running water.

Now, 308 days later, not all of Puerto Rico has power or running water.

When a natural disaster of this magnitude hits somewhere in the 50 states, it's handled much better.


I’ll never understand an arsonist either Raccoon…… it is beyond me. :frowning:

And let’s not forget the massive & deadly Gatlinberg, Tennessee Fire started by a 15 & 17 year old a few short months ago. :frowning: . :cry:

IIRC those two turds got off with little more than a slap on the wrist. :person_facepalming:

The loss of human life was 14 souls. Property loss & damage was huge, as was loss of revenue as this occured during the busy winter season.

Pitiful all the way around…… :expressionless:

I just watched this an hour ago. It was a thrill.
Det Cord Shockwaves in 4K

California is being burned from their own Firefighters. Here are a few that got cought and the reason , of course is , MONEY, MONEY,
$410,000 year is a temptation for many, apparently.

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty,

Great video Joshk!! :+1:

What is really sad is that most of the damage Katrina did to NOLA should have never happened.

When a city is below sea level & has massive flood control pumps & measures… it is a good idea for city government to be sure those flood control pumps & measures are operational to maximum capacity at all times.
Sadly, this was NOT a priority of the NOLA city government at that time.

That, stacked up with all the other blunders & fiasco’s of the corrupt Nagin regime before & during Katrina…. and NOLA was screwed.

I was here at ground zero for KATRINA and CAMILLE. There was no comparison. Maria winds were a cat 4 at landfall and its size was about the same as Camille with less wind speed. Puerto Rico is a third world country which is difficult to access. If Puerto Rico had been hit by Katrina , the damage would have been much worse.

I was talking about how America handled the aftermath of the two disasters.

Katrina was handled much better than Puerto Rico, mainly due to politics.

How many months did you go without power and running water?

It's been over 10 months, and counting, for some in Puerto Rico.

Can Puerto Rico vote in US elections?

The answer will tell you exactly how much attention they will get when SHTF.

Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island and unincorporated U.S. territory, it is not actually a State of the USA. The state of US responsibility is unclear to me. But if they were a US state , then I would agree with the slowness of recovery. I do know an electrician who just returned on a 3 month stay, purchased a new Ford F250 4wd truck, drove it to Miami, loaded it on a boat for Puerto Rico to continue rebuilding. The money is good but the corruption is as expected there, bad. The government is trying to get rich off the US aid and its slow to get to the people.

FEMA was so slow here in Ms. the Governor told them to leave and we rebuilt the important things without their help.

49 days without power for us, and we got power quickly. Over two years for many places and many other places were never rebuilt even today.
Does anyone really understand the size of Katrina ? They can take that Saffir–Simpson hurricane scale and TRASH that POS.

Traditionally, justifiable homicide is legit in order to stop a murder, rape, or arson.

See one in the act, pop him in the melon. Problem solved. No muss, no fuss.

@ Lightbringer, I don’t think it works quite like that.

Police: Did you kill this guy?
You: Yea, he pulled out a lighter.
Police: Oh, ok. Have a good day.

Sounds a bit like the motto: „First to go, last to know“ :wink:

Well, cops have killed people for pulling out less dangerous things than that. :open_mouth:

Lightbringer, I tend to favor yours & Macka17’s ‘no nonsense’ approach. :+1:

If these criminals knew up front the possible consequences of lighting that fire… they ’might’ think twice about doing it.

Justice system can be confusing with often too lenient punishment for serious crimes such as arson and then at times way too brutal for minor crimes. Well, keeps the lawyers and system going I guess.

Wellp, if you catch someone lighting up a clump of leaves to throw into the tall grasses, you can either stop him, or say, “Nah, not getting involved…” and let him burn a few thousand acres.

It’s justifiable.

Ain’t saying to pop him after-the-fact in retaliation, or preemptively pop him for (sarcasm aside) “brandishing a lighter”, but to stop him, absolutely you have that right, and legal sanction.

Dunno the case with the idiot kids who killed 14 people as a result, but you’d have a bigger-idiot judge who’d let them go with the proverbial slap on the wrist.

Let them ponder that on the Tree of Woe. Crucify them.

A lowyer I know said flat out that he’s seen people go away longer for tax evasion than murder. (And not negligent homicide, manslaughter, etc., but actual murder.)

Pretty sure some of the justice system is purposely designed to stay in business. How could one otherwise justify some of it's operations. Not saying it is broken because at least a system is in place, but for many terrible crimes, punishment is often far too lenient for any sane person to grasp.