What color to Cerakote flashlights *UPDATE: flashlights now cerakoted*

I’d probably make the bezel and tube orange and the head and tail black. Or tube and head orange and bezel and tail black.

Alternate colors similar to this?

No purples or blues? :open_mouth:

Nah, no purple or blues. I cerakote for myself and I’m a hunter, so purple and blue don’t go well outdoors. The only reason I have pink is for my daughter and the orange was to coat a stock and handguard for a friend.

Safety orange for the light. What stocks are on the AR’s?

Luth-AR stock
He was one of the original owners of DPMS before they were bought out. He started a new company making accessories. If you can’t tell, I really like their stocks. The owner is a stand up guy and I’ve had several email and phone conversations with him in the past.

Combination Orange, Black and Pink.

Interesting thread on a coating that I did not know it existed. I love to see how the lights turn out :-)

maybe I found my niche in the BLF community. I could become the official BLF coater :~ ahhh, maybe not

I just trying to figure out how I want to do them. I like two tone colors. All one color is too much. I’m honestly thinking black bezel, orange head, a black ring somewhere at the base of the head, orange tubes, black tail cap with orange rubber button. I think that would be a good alternating color profile.

Something like this. Make fun of my mad drawing skills and I’ll hurt ya :wink:

Can I put in an absentee vote on Chloe’s behalf? We know she’d go for pink.

This was a poor attempt at burnt orange. Didn’t turn out how I wanted it to. I was just playing around and will blast it off tomorrow and go bright safety orange

Burnt bronze and what was it coyote tan? Always look really nice with graphite black in my opinion. You do nice work, I look forward to see more of what you do.

Tomorrow I will post some pics. I have a busy day tomorrow. I’m planning a safety orange 1405 and 2 hd2010’s, a stainless 1503, OD Green 1505, and I may do something with a Supfire F3 and 1504 like burnt bronze if I have time.

Does it make life easier, and cheaper if the customer bead blasts, or sand blasts the item before sending it for a cerakote job?

I have one light I'd like done in burnt orange or bright orange.

too bad they have not got a good bright metallic green. Other wise I would have a green base coat, with burnt bronze over the top shot through a pattern to look like scales.

How about a group buy for specific colors? Would that make the price cheaper?

I’m not happy with them. The regulator on my spray gun kept screwing up. High humidity. A couple of them I gotta blast down and do over. Oh well, here is a preview though. I will say cerakoting flashlights is harder than guns. On guns I can spray the threads and not think twice. On flashlights, it’s a lot of taping and masking threads off. I ordered some high gloss clear and I curious how it will turn out. I think next time I will use my airbrush. I’d have more control around the threads, but it takes longer and doesn’t do as good of a job with the thicker specialty colors.

Not really. It has to be blasted with 120 grit media which isn’t a common grit size. Any coarser and the finish will be rough. Any finer and there are adhesion problems.

It would, but just depends. A lot of the price is labor because it takes a while to go through the steps to do it. It does save time not having to frequently change colors. It takes about 20 minutes just to properly clean the gun between colors.

Love the grey and the brown.

Maybe it’s the camera, or maybe it’s my eyes. The cerakote looks like plastic to me, especially the orange. The OD green looks the best to me, and the black looks pretty good.