What did you use your flashlight for today?

Used my Brinyte T28 Artemis to make a “warning sign” for people outside!

Cleaned up a mess my cats made under a table - LT1 and Unicorn 1.0

Tightened compression fittings under a sink - SC62w tail standing

Cleaning and vacuuming under lots of things (bed, dresser, etc) - SC62w

Used my Rofis MR70 today at all my jobs; it gets used every day at work, along with my Acebeam H30vN when I need a headlamp.

I needed to check the oil level in a new generator today.
Used a crappy “as seen on tv” zoomie.
I knew it was gonna get gooed up.
I’ll bet I use flashlights nearly as much during the day as at night.
All th Best,

Used the light as a dipstick?

We’ve had two dogs for most of our lives. Sadly the little one had to be put down last summer. The other, being a Schnauzer, has to be busy with something to keep her from getting bored. That means a lot of fetch the ball (run and catch) and look for the ball (hide). I think most of these activities depend on eye-sight.
Last night is was the other way around. She was missing her ball, and addressing us to find it. So I went in the yard with my blue light, looking for a pink ball. I got a biscuit when I found it :slight_smile:

I’ve been having fun with my Lumintops. My university’s on quarantine, but due to some meddling I don’t quite understand yet, the library I work at is open on a “burglar bar” regimen (customer stays at the door, we fetch the books they want to borrow). That being such, there’s no reason to leave the lights on in the archives. So when it’s my turn to fetch the books, I take my time using only my Tool AA 2.0 or EDC01 as my only light sources.

All about the small pleasures in life :beer:

I like this. Well done.
Stay safe.

Water cooled FW21?
When I am working if there is water I chuck the light in to cool it down.

Wow, I say that is COOL … :sunglasses:
And it works ! :+1:

Be careful. Don’t do this at home, boys and girls.

No, just kidding. The FWxx lights only have rather small air pockets.
When air gets hot, it will try to expand and to escape from the light.
When you cool that light down, it tries to suck that air (or water) back in.

Like every evening/night since i finished building it i have used my OL 2019 challenge project for bed reading and zombie walk to the toilets.

I like powerfull flashlights for the wow effect as much as everyone here does but while i live in a city with a lot (well, too much) of ligth everywhere, most of the time i don't have a real use for them.

In fact my next project will be an other low power torch but with an adjustable output so i can set an an even lower ouptut if i want to.

I was soo thankful I EDC a flashlight. Working second shift, I get home in the dark. Tonight the light from my torch saved me from stepping on a palm sized baby bunny.

School. Demonstrated sunlight on earth through the year. Took the Wuben E05-I with 2700K Samsung LED for its equal spot and the nice yellow light. Physics class.

Convoy S2+ w/ SST20 + TIR45 -> Was walking along a footway next to a small forest. Heard dogs barking. Shone the S2+ (4*7135) at them at max brightness. Saw one or two pairs of reflected eyes back. They ran away :weary:


used 1000+ lumen max mode to look under bush in day time for lost kid toy


Used an S2+ Nichia to find an S2+ SST20 that I’d lost in my apartment. Turns out it was where all my lost tube lights end up: stuck between my bed and the wall, hidden by the bed covers.

I set my IF25A on my woofer beside my computer (under my desk) to find a free usb port to plug in a floppy drive (yep, for real). It was on pretty low, but I forgot about for at least 3 hours until I noticed it wasn’t in my pocket, and started looking for it. I found it, and checked the battery, and according to Anduril, it was till at 4.1 volts. I love that light (and hi-cap 21700 cells).

yesterday - checking watch parts (crown and stem) to see why they broke and where

also to inspect other tiny parts under loupe magnification
hand holding a cr123a light, moving it around to get best contrast


My cell phone’s flashlight to look for my Sofirn SP10S in the middle of the night, for bathroom walking