What is Enjoyable about the Lockdown to You?

What I like
-I don’t have to wake up at 6am to reach work at 9am (I can just wake up at 8am and start at 9am)
-I don’t have to spend 2 hours in traffic jam just to go home
-Being able to use my “better gaming pc” for video editing compared to company provided dinosaur aged i7 old pc
-Getting job done faster thanks to feeling comfortable and much easier workflow.
-The fact that I don’t have to waste time doing nothing in office waiting for job. Afternoon naps are amazing
-People in my company realizing that working from home is a thing.
-Homecook food is AMAZING (Thanks mom and dad)

Today is my 3rd week of this MCO thing and I’m enjoying the new content I see in both reddit and youtube

Whoa. I can’t even picture Bob Marley doing that…

I’d probably have to use posterboard for wrapping paper. :open_mouth:

I gotta second all the comments about being able to sleep later. “Getting up” 15min before start time, to just hit the can and then power up the ’puter is sooooo much nicer than getting up at 8 just to start at 10:30 (by car, or 11 if going by bus), doing the morning prep and then the commute. I worked from home on Fridays, and was gonna push for more wfh days with the plague going around, but thankfully didn’t have to do that as the order came from On High.

Problem is, I’m more “paranoid” at home. At work, you hit the can, get lunch, disappear for whatever reason, and no one questions it. At home, I just get that paranoid feeling that if I’m not there to immediately answer an email, someone might question “Wherenahell is he?? Watching cat videos instead of working??”.

I always said that not even counting distractions at work (yakking cow-orkers and other random noises, let alone smelling someone’s farts [don’t get me started…]), that “paranoia” lets me do more work from home in X hours than I would otherwise do on-site in the same X hours.

I miss the Choinese food I’d go’n’get for lunch practically every workday, but it’s all in all so much more convenient.

The government is going to pay me to sit on my butt and not go to work.

Other than that, I hate it.

Apart from the idiots here in Aust with Toilet paper etc.
and even more stupid than usual politicians.

Nothing much changed.
Go out maybe twice a week to shops. Do our thing at home Swim in pool if feeling fit.
Weights. Rowing. Walking mach, usually once a week each. sometimes twice.

Walk 16yr old Cat in back garden on leash every morn b4 brekky.
then again after tea b4 mossies out in force.

We were thinking about a Norwegian lines cruise this March again (as we did last yr).
But. For some funny reason I thought no.
Another Trip to Egypt and Nth Africa again instead.
That didn’t eventuate either.

I’ve been saying the human population has to be reduced by a coupla Billion.
By either the planet. or Humans themselves. Maybe they heard me hey.

To make this planet still livable for humans, in a coupla hundred/thousand yrs time.
We are completely stripping it of all minerals and anything usable. As fast as we able.
Breeding like who knows what. Rabbits and Rats have nothing on us.
We are NOT sustainable.
With NO thoughts at all about future generations.

Just check back a thousand yrs. Look at the expotential rise in the human population.
The damage and destruction we have done to this tiny planet to date.
AND the possibilities of what we CAN do with modern technology.

I’m glad we are late ’70’s (75/78 yrs) and had our lives. Good ones.

I just hope it stays good enough for my 3 weeks born Great Granddaughter
To complete her life in a decent world hey.

I just think that the current, and previous governments, (Of all the major country’s)
Have an awful lot to answer for.

Our New South Wales State gov are a fine example for possible genocide.
Cruise ship. 3000 passengers. 1600 crew. A ship with KNOWN FLU, Contravirus on board.

They Just pulled up to the wharf. and discharged ALL on board.
with a few checks and NO results.
SOME came back. AFTER ship discharged.


STUPIDITY…. Has nothing on it.
Customs. Border Guards. security. ALL stood back and said “Off you go. home.”
You want to see the Blame game going on now.
There’s a huge Police Criminal investigation going on now.

Over 60% of Australia’s Contra victims are from That ship (Ruby Princess)
and their contacts. You US here, should just bring a link up and peruse human stupidity at it’s best.
Makes you wonder. doesn’t it.
Sister ship Diamond Princess. NOT allowed back into Aust waters at all.

Thank you, Agent Smith. :laughing:

Like many other posters here I’m enjoying working from home and not having to commute. I get to sleep in later, dress more casually, and I’ve been more productive than usual (despite the occasional BLF break).

It’s school holidays here at the moment which means my partner and children are home as well so I get to spend a bit more time with them, but can also escape to my office (or rather the room I have temporarily commandeered for that purpose) when I need to.

Next week will be interesting. The school term starts and my partner will go back to work (they can’t work remotely), but students will be learning at home. I can probably do my job while superficially supervising distance education for a primary school aged child, but I’m not sure I can manage a kindergarten aged child at the same time without a drop in productivity.

Mostly I’m just happy I have a job and my family is healthy.

Thanks for the link. It was interesting.

This. Is. Awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Agreed! I’m not much into synth stuff, but that was amazing. Those are the dreams that I’ve been after. :wink:

I Binge watched Netflix till 4 20 this morn.
Gut up at 10 10am.

NO Guilts at all.

Whoops Just remembered. Old and retired.
I do that all the time.

Enjoy it while you can people.

Stay away from ALL others.
and enjoy your life.
You’ll either be ded. or much more aware of what’s actually going on in the world afterwards.

I . Chat with grandkids for while.

I got into knife sharpening and have been practicing with the kitchen knives and a cheap stone with amazing results compared to how dull they were before. Planning to invest in a proper guided sharpening system soon.

Sharp knives are the best. I use a narrow sanding belt machine with mainly three very very fine grits.

3 of each for now


1. WFH means I still have my IT job (for now anyway)…but heck, I consider myself one of the lucky ones to still have one….given my wife had been forced to sit it out

2. Throw back in time. Feels like we’re living a simpler life on a farm in the middle of the suburbs but without the actual farm.

3. There’s more discussion not just barking orders to the kids. And the boys are actually coming to us to look for jobs to do.


  1. Coronavirus is mentally fatiguing…you have to work hard at staying positive

2. Hard to not get sucked into the 24/7 news channels. I try very hard to make sure that I just flick over to get a quick update then back again to Seinfeld or Mash just to settle the nerves again

3. Having to run the gauntlet every couple of days (read go to the supermarket) not just for us but both our mums who are on their own. What does fruit have against fresh air ?…seems they just cant stay alive for more than 2 days out of the supermarket

Even with cheepcheepcheep knives, they’re a pleasure to use when razor-sharp.

Was slicing shrooms for an omelette yesterday, and even my li’l kiwi sliced through ’em like nothing.

Even cheap steels might not hold an edge for too long, but just a few quick swipes on a countertop sharpener brings ’em back to razor-sharpness.

Not me. I avoid The News like the plague(haha). There’s a saturation point after which it just gets annoying. Right now I got Maury in the background, and I’m waiting to hear who da baby-daddy. (She a ho.)

Tell me about it. Buy bananananas that’re still green, and they’re green… green… green… green for days, then yellow brownspots brown in the span of about 6hrs.

Whoa! Neither one of them da baby-daddy! She really a ho…

Is Jerry Springer still on TV?

Being able to work at home is the only good thing about it for me, although I can’t do everything I’m required to do, because our remote connection to our work system is so terrible. Work is a lot more difficult to accomplish, but I appreciate being home and not having to do the commute every day.

Don’t think so. He became “Judge Jerry” or something, which is a joke. Never liked his show, nor the dimwits who are his usual guests.

Okay, so you’re invited to the JSS because your fiancee wants to tell you something… okay, what could that possibly be? That you’re both so much in love and want to be together forever and ever and ever? Or that she’s secretly sexing up with your brother and father — at the same time? Plus, you not da baby-daddy, but Daddy da baby-daddy. :person_facepalming:

His guests give inbred trailer-trash a bad name.

(And if you’re a 300lb behemoth in a miniskirt, don’t wear a wig, because you know the other 300lb behemoth is gonna pull it off yo’ nasty head as soon as those high-heels come off.)

At least Maury gets to Da Troof!

I just assumed that’s what your last line was referring to. A few of the themes I’ve seen on that show, the few times I watched long ago, were about those topics. It was a silly show.