What is your fitness regimen ?

i’ve got a link to my training regimen on my blog:

Morning burpees 15*5 and various exercises with kettlebells, elastic bands and parallel bars. You don’t need much to be muscular if you have good diet, prisoners are doing it in the cell.

I run a mile ,
If I see someone cough.

I run up and down the stairs in our house for 20 minutes straight. It burns a lot of calories.

Does it burn holes in your carpet as well?

It does wear the carpet, but who cares, it was worn already. Plus carpet is cheaper than a gym membership. And there is zero commute time.

Walk around the property. My private space. Lift and carry firewood. No other people around except my wife, but I walk more than her. Perhaps I see deer, elk, or if very lucky wild turkey. Walking is when I mentally plan through the next project. At present, I’m working through the steps of a travel trailer remodel I am partway through and alternating with mental plans for a light project, a variation on the light I built for the just past OL Contest. So physical and mental exercise at the same time. :slight_smile:

Walking IS…. Mans best medicine.

To keep his lungs working and stay of his arse.
Which is modern nams biggest bugbear. YOU need more.

60 yr old. You’re still young. Hardly into your prime.
Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. I used to be a distance runner
and single hander sailor all my life.
Plus work consisted of heavy machinery. cranes and manual labour. Real labour.
Shovels. picks. Sledgehammers, the works. Pre backhoes and hydraulic machinery days.

I raced. Competitively. Till I was 68yrs and started tearing ligaments.
Outrigger Canoes.
6 man crew, were a mix of self. and others from 58 to 63 yr olds.
And we were all big muscled blokes to drive the boat.
I was in Engine room (Main drive) seat 4. Plus room for biggest arse.(110kg 5ft 10)

I Used to walk along beach and back. Up hill and up Drive. 38 min’s.one day. alternate. Ride bike round a 35min course.
Plus 1\2 hr several times a week on exercise bike or walking mach.(wife’s)

Few injuries, Collapsed foot, Worn out knee.78 yrs now.
I do ALL housework 2 storey home…HER landscaped front garden. Plus all the rest. and pool.
Row mach or walk mach for 1/2 hr coupla 3 times a week.

40+% of physical muscle melted off.
Just disappeared. over around 8 months once I aged over the 74/75 mark.
Just went???. By By. Nice knowing you. Ha Ha…

Dumbells I used to play with, sitting on lounge watching movies.
just to keep my wrists/forearms flexible.
I can’t even raise above my head now on straight lift.
Nor swing up from arm outstretched to centre of chest when lying down. Above head or sideways.
Maybe 1 1\2 lifts. That’s it.

Message here???….

Make a regime Mum said I started running at around 9 yrs old. Never stopped.
Ran distance for UK army in ’50’s.

GET fit. (to YOUR capacity of) And stay there as long as you can.
Preferably till you die on not capable anymore.

Find a sport that YOU really like. Regardless of what it is… Forget what some say. (bin there)
and KEEP doing it. and NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR… Go past YOUR comfortable distances or limits.
That’s where the injuries come from.
If you a racer. Forget ALL I say here.

Make it an AUTOMATIC thing with your body. distanced from mind.
I sail. Fish. Have sex. ALl sort. Mentally. When running.

Always use good shoes. I ran in 3 prs of Nike Mid range.in the ’80’s ).
Shoe goo and all tired soles were cut off. then cut to suit and lay over wear sections
(We all run differently. Wear shoe soles differently)
Never wear same shoes on consecutive days. Let the soles cool down.
They wear out real quick otherwise. Wore one pr out in a coupla weeks when I first started.
Taught me… Long runs. fresh pr every 12 hrs.
Normally, I wore mine on 3 day cycle, with good ones for running longer.

Just DO it…Exercise.
Preferably a min of 3 times a week

Mostly. in the 40+ yrs I ran. I and most of my mates. Never… Had running injuries.
WHY. We all ran at our own paces. Never competitive. (I never entered any race but fun runs with wife and kids growing up.)
and normally, the marathons and halves. we left cars at start, Started behind the field.
Turned round at finish and ran back to cars.

If you start young. and keep it up. Increasingly. With a naturally fit. healthy. ALL straight jointed body.
NO offset ankle.knee/hip/toes. shoulder/spinal.
Anybody. can set themselves to run any distance they like. until body or mind wears out.
WITH… A right mindset.

Wanting to. ENJOYING IT (whatever it is) and capable to turn mind off.

There are all sports people can try. Find one. and ENJOY it. I’ve seen a few HATE what they doing.
It’s just the best they can find for keeping them to fitness/strength levels they require/want.
Paddling was one.
I LOOOVVVED it. Full on for coupla hrs at a time, 3 days a week.
at 56 to 62 strokes a min.in waves and the surf.
POWER… and you feel it. Magic.
Outrigging IS one of the best all round physical sports you can do. Bar none.
It even exercises your toes. Gripping floor of canoe for traction.

Just fond one YOU enjoy. And enjoy it.