Would you be interested in a fluorescent yellow powder coated Convoy S2+ / C8? Updated

Is this complete ready to use lights or hosts ?

Well done, djozz :+1: This should shut down the extreme paranoia that I’ve noticed in this thread.

Thanks Djozz! So NOW can I order a yellow light please?! :slight_smile:

I don’t think that’s particularly fair. Things were said about how the discussion “turned really nasty”, and comments like that certainly don’t help.

There’s a difference between “extreme paranoia” and full disclosure.

I don’t think anyone said a powder-coated light would turn into a pipebomb, but that powder-coating does reduce heat-shedding (true), and that was said by someone who was familiar with the process (forgot who that was, though).

As with everything, it’s a matter of degree (haha). That’s why we use AS5 instead of air, Cu instead of Al, DTP instead of non-DTP, etc. Every little bit helps.

What full disclosure does is that it spells out that powder-coating reduces heat-shedding, so be careful with it. Be watchful, don’t push 10A through it, etc. That’s all. Me, I’d want to know that it reduces heat-shedding, even by a small amount, vs a stock light.

The problem was that The Other Side™ swung the pendulum in the opposite direction, insisting it won’t be a problem, and that naysayers were being paranoid. <sigh>

So great (literally, not sarcastically), now we know the difference is less than 10°C overall. It’s settled. Now maybe both sides can shut up and play nicely again.

Man, how people get worked up about the littlest things…

Different example. Adding X to your car’s gasoline can improve mileage:

“Umm, okay, but X can eat away at the rubber seals and hoses, possibly ruining your engine.”

“No, you’re paranoid, it’s so diluted that it won’t be a problem.”

“Hey, I’m just saying that chemical X eats away at rubber, so be careful.”

“No it won’t.”

“But it can!”

“You suck!”

“No, you suck!”

“No, YOU suck!”

ad nauseam

Thanks djozz :+1:
First and foremost for showing that the claims of danger coming from powder coated hosts were nothing but a grossly inflated hype.

The post that started the ruckus was not “full disclosure”, it was flat out rude in tone, combining technical topic with argumentum ad hominem and I suspect it was made with full intention. Now we have facts and everyone can decide if he want’s one of these hosts.

Thank’s for your work in this.

Ninja’d. Thanks for putting it in with better wording than I was going to manage without a full night’s sleep.

That one poster dropped the ball big, BIG time. (EDIT: Removed the namedropping, not gonna lower my standards and be rude just because I’m salty with the bloke. Whoever wants to know the name can look for it themselves.)

If you read the thread you’ll find out that it was said

If you are afraid running the light to hot you can use a driver with Bistro and user programmable temperature stepdown

Basically with a DTP star and good heat path the light can get too hot to touch, while the emitter and battery is still fine

I think that the research of djozz clearly shows that the thermal conductivity of this type of powder coating is almost the same as that of anodising. And that it is (equal) safe to buy a power coated host in stead of an anodised host.
The real danger lies in the fact that WE buy these hosts and supply them with drivers that can vary between 2*7135 and FET+1, and sell or donate them to other people. And because “muggles” normally don’t buy hosts, it is US who turn them into pocket-rockets. There lies our responsability. Keep pocket rockets out of the reach of the less experienced, like you keep your car-keys away form children, or drunks.

And if powder coating was so bad in letting out the heat from a flashlight, or so good in preventing the heat to get into a flashlight, wouldn’t NASA have adopted powder coating a long time ago as a way to protect the space shuttle from burning up?

So start manufacturing those puppies! (AKA C8 hosts).

So cool it got tested!
But well for the S2+ I really like not a lot of 738 chips, so the new Biscotti driver with 3 or 4 would be my choice in a tube light with little cooling capacity anyways :wink:
And I still think white would be the most beautiful color, but lol that is just personal preference

The code is active for the Powder coated lights!

Fluorescent Yellow Hosts:

The Fluorescent Yellow C8 price after code is £25.85 + Shipping
The Fluorescent Yellow S2+ price after code is £24.75 + Shipping

A bit higher than original mainly due to the current exchange rates! etc.

I currently have NO spare hosts in stock (but there are more on the way)

Depending on how many orders there are I will order more hosts tomorrow. So please see this as a pre-order!

e.g If i get 10 orders tonight I will order 15 more hosts tomorrow

They will be done ASAP after I get the hosts

This way it saves me from doing an interest list and waiting for it to fill up, then ordering the hosts, then coating them.
I will do it as and when people order. It should cut down the wait time

I’m not going to set an end date for the coupon, but it will end so if you want one get it before the price goes back up!

The Discount Code Is: FLOYO


I know these two are easily the most wanted Convoy models, but should there be a sizable demand, would you do the coating treatment on other models?

Yeah, I picked these because of the popularity, I can do other models

Yup. me also. Let me know when you might be making them.

In that case I would really like an S2+ shorty, so with 18350 tube, in that same fantastic yellow! :slight_smile:

16 pound shipping to the Netherlands really kills it for me… Are there any cheaper options?
Also, does the coupon also apply to white hosts?

You can write me down for one yellow powder coated C8 host.

And we can discuss the (im)possibilities of shared shipping cost later.

The problem with ascii is that it’s just all 1s and 0s, no tone, no facial expressions, no inflection, no nothing, just annoying little emojis if people remember to stick them in. Someone reads something the wrong way, takes it the wrong way, whatever, and the fireworks start.

I forgot which thread it was (long before the powder-coat, just shortly after I signed up at BLF), but someone just wanted to chime in with some information, innocently enough, and immediately got dogpiled on. Frankly I was wondering why anyone’d even bother to try to help at that point, if you only get shouted down if you don’t spout the Party Line.

That’s why it never really ceases to amaze me how people could still get all worked up about the stoopidest little things.

As for me, even knowing all the initial doom’n’gloom (pre-djozz-tests), I still wanted a nice yellow/orange powder-coated light. Still do. I don’t push mine too hard at all, so I wouldn’t give a crap. You want a 3-up XP-G 10A DD FET setup that can double as a campfire-starter, go right ahead. As long as you’ve been forewarned and choose to go ahead anyway, hey, go crazy…

Good idea!
I see 4 Dutchies here who would like to have one.

Shouldnt have been £16, a glitch with the weight limit raised the shipping, should be fixed now

And yes, it applies to all colours :slight_smile: