XHP70.2 P2 4000k Output test by Texas_Ace - it's over 9000!! lumens and still going strong!

Wow, thats a giant led, 16 cores all in parallel it seems.

What tints does it come in? Any high CRI versions?

Yes, it's huge! I broke out my tests/pics, etc. of the SFH55 into it's own thread, little more info now: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/68566

Dunno where to even buy this LED. Neal send me one with absolutely no info, not even the part #. We speculated it's identity from a chart in Chinese Nightwatch was using, and doubt the info in the chart is accurate anyway,

I doubt other tints are available. I'd guess it's in the 6000K range, close to a SBT90.2. Dave's been trying to keep info updated on these new Chinese LED's here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/67698, but it's difficult. Even BanL at Kaidomain doesn't know how to ID these things.

This one is one of the new Chinese LED's: http://kaidomain.com/Flashlight-DIY-and-Tools/LED-Emitters-or-LED-Star-on-PCB/other-leds/Custom-P35-HI-3V-8000mA-1800-Lumens-LED

and he calls it a custom P35 HI... We think it's an SFS80 I believe. That one is available in 4000K - I ordered qty 5 yesterday in 4000K.

You will never get over me! Never!

? Wut??

not many answers make me happy……this one absolutly.!!
iam a bit lost in the sea of this new leds…Never heard about them yet…So still we cat buy them yes?

Sorry, bad joke. Thread name is over 9000 lumen…

Ohh, my bad!

Not yet, they are still too new.

I only know the meme, was never an anime fan myself lol.

Haha! Same here, but I somehow thought it would be fitting a Flash light forum! :slight_smile:

PS. And the photo, I took it myself! :slight_smile: