Y'all may want to read this before thinking about getting a light from me.

It was actually recent. It turned out the thread posted date was wrong. It read 2008 instead of 2012. Maybe a forum glitch.

Having done a few mods and sold them then had people critique them myself, I can sort of relate as my mods were not picked apart on the forums. The truth is that you can't please everyone 100% of the time, but, you try to every time. It's in our nature. it's also in our nature to pick apart other people's work. Do you tuck your tail between your legs and hide your head in the sand every time you get less than favorable criticism? No, you take it as a learning experience and you move on. To paraphrase a saying that was recently put into a song, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Learn from this experience and move on. Don't let the naysayers stop you from doing something you love to do and do well. If you do then they've won and we all will have lost.

It's amazing how old threads come back to life.

Ok guys, here's how it is. First of all, after all the discussion here and on CPF, the reality is this.

While it may seem at first, that TJ was trashing, I do not believe that was the point at all about TJ's original CPF thread. Hindsight is 20/20. What I percieved was from hurt pride and probably false pride. My reaction in the forum there and here was a bad decision and post stroke, I find that many of my decisions are bad, since I don't think any more, I just react. No cure for that, but as my wife tells me, I'm a totally different man than I used to be. That's life, nothing more.

I spouted off, as usual and it was not the correct way to do things. TJ and I have since gotten together over many things and I think we both have respect for each other. If I could do it all over again, (knowing the outcome), I would not have done it.

I have over time, decided to continue to make some bare bones hosts and some completed lights. I decided that I need to continue to try the electrical end of it, till I either "get it right" or finally give up on it once and for all, (the electrical end of it that is).

TJ is a good guy and has a lot to share. I have asked him many questions and he always responds. I would hope that people who really read all of the posting, here and at CPF, will find that to be true.

As far as doing lights special for people? I don't know. I have been torn two ways about that, but Ultimately I probably would not. I make them when I feel like it and how I feel like it and I don't want to loose that freeedom. I usually post the builds as I do them, so people have plenty of time to see what I am making. A couple of the lights were sold before they were done, due to requests to buy before delivery, from members here. And for those of you that did not get one that way, my apologies for that. I don't save messages as a rule and my memory... well...

Thanks to everyone, once again, for all of the support, it's very nice to read. Just take me with a grain of salt, or maybe a few shakes would be better (but watch your BP), as I don't think before jumping any more. Believe me, that has gotten my feet smelling pretty shitty more than once.

AND No Gifts!! Lathes, or otherwise... Not ever, please and thank you.

Not even a nice file set?

He prefers to cut his own from old leaf springs, using the stone from his high-school graduation ring.

Hey, Chicago… You forgot this! Evil


Then it would not be him anymore.I can respect that.

I am glad that Justin is okay with TJ as I have much to learn and and open forums are a resource that I feel prilviliged to share. Discord leads nowhere. Discussion leads to solutions. I have read many posts by both OL and TJ and will continue to do so and while I have not actually read Justin's critique, if I were going to do a "hack" mod of a m*glite(the only kind I'm likely to do) I would certainly put it on my reading list along with any others that show pitfalls as well as problems solved. As time permits I will be posting some of my mods and the various ways I have gotten it done. Some of what I read is in searching for answers. Some is just in fascination with the skill and enginuity of others. Curiosity lead me here and I don't want to stop learning and improving my skills. I hope that Justin can learn something either here at blf or on cpf that enables him to continue enjoying his hobby to the fullest.


As an Engineer, my work do get scrutinize by other Engineers (peer evaluation) occasionally. It can be a nail biting experience watching my hard work being taken apart into pieces and examined under a microscope so to speak. On the other hand, it is a humbling experience for me, as I "realize" there ARE better Engineers out there and I might not be the BEST for that specific work. Over the years, I do become complacent and think that I am the best in my line of work. A little litmus test once a while bring me down to earth again.

I also take this opportunity as a learning experience so that I can improve further in my line of work. What better than learning the secrets from your competitors? ;) ("Know your enemies and know yourself" - Sun Tzu, Art of War)

This little incident also taught use that what it REALLY takes to become a real modder in the eye of fellow hobbyists and a modder that is respected by his/her peers.

As a modder, please take this as a personal challenge to improve on what you love to do and take it to the next level. What doesn't kills you makes you stronger!

Don't be discouraged by this. Don't stop learning and cheers! :beer:

LOL That thars funny


I'm new to modding and new to this forum... I've read all threads and posts tied to this one and the only thing I could say is: keep it up, dude... Not for anybody else but for you...

As long as it's fulfilling you, go for it... with time, the stuff will improve... but even if it doesn't, it helped you relax and calm from life's stresses... that's the whole deal...

I personally don't like some modders that only correspond with you if they are sure you're going to purchase from them... As soon as you contact them with question where you express something other than their product, they just don't even reply... Guys like or Match (and others, sorry if I didn't mention you as I'm still new here) who do such great builds followed with actual photos and steps are great inspiration to us who are fairly new to all this...