KD (kaidomain): Deals and new products thread

I have tried to register

24 hours and still no mail to unlock account

I never registered at KD, it uses my PP address and luckily ordering went smooth over the years.

I am registered and I “log in” before I purchase, but their shopping system doesn’t have features like other shops. checkout is via Paypal and that’s it.

There are “favorites” though, you’d save items for later.

XP-L2 NW out of stock already, that was quick!


Neutral White is generally a popular choice for flashaholic :slight_smile:


KDLIGHT P60-UV 365nm / 395nm is newly arrived.




Nice. I’ve seen that type of die before (Semileds?) in leds and the output is good! The 365nm version just emits some white-ish/yellow-ish light as well.

Ban , could you post the label from Nichia of this product ? http://kaidomain.com/p/S026299.Nichia-NVSL219C-R9050-D240-4000k-CRI92-LED-Emitter-1-pc

I mean the label like you have posted in Nichia 219b : http://kaidomain.com/Product/PhotoGallery/56186/236761#id=0

Thanks BanL.
I will PM you soon. :+1:

Which tint bin is this?

Can you post the photo of the reel?

I can’t be the only one who wishes KD to systematically provide a picture of the reel, please KD tell us what we are REALLY buying and you’ll sell more

restocking those sold out items?

Cree XP-L2 HD Neutral White are back in stock guys

…and with a picture of the Cree package:

KD is KoolDomain. :sunglasses:

So, the new information we have is that these are 70+ CRI LEDs.

Merry Christmas to all BLF friends,

We must try our best to get those hot sales Flashlight Parts and Accessories.

We understand yours concern. I will help to follow this.

Merry Christmas


Does anyone has experience with one of these items?

Are those the thermal glue kind (does it get hard)? Can they be used to pot a driver?
And how do they perform?

Nice, ordered qty 4 of the V6 3B's, and some more of those black MCPCB's - they sure look good - nice wide traces, etc. The triples are quite thin though at 1 mm. Not sure why the triples are thinner than the single MCPCB's. Triples should actually be thicker - 2 mm would be nice.

If you solder the mcpcb on the spacer (or copper pill etc) i don’t think there will be a problem .

But i would like too , a better one , with 2mm thickness .

