Overview: All Eneloop batteries 2005-2024

Costco is having a sale on made in Japan Eneloops Comes with 8 aa’s, 4 aaa’s and a new style charger

There’s a Eneloop Pro model with min. 2550mAh BK-3HCCE

Just tried to place an order at Thomas Distributing.
I had a really hard time.
Absolutely positively no way to complete the checkout.

Checked into the Costco thing……
The special listed above was not available at my local Costco :rage:

The same kit was $29.95 unless they simply forgot to put the advertisement placard up.

Can anyone make out that Expiration date for this special on the photo above?
Looks like 12/11/2016 to me ?

Also, they are blue with white writing instead of white with blue writing….is that significant?

That’s odd. Every Eneloop I’ve ever bought (from 2006 onwards) has a white wrapper with blue (and grey) writing. I know there’s also special editions that have fancy colors, but I’ve never seen blue with white writing.

Costco’s been selling the light and dark blue AA Eneloops for years. The AAA’s are light and dark green. I have over 60 of them and they all meet or exceed their capacity. So far they’ve been 100% reliable.

Can anyone make out that Costco sale Expiration date for this special on the photo above?

I was there last week and they only had 10 dark blue AA’s for $19.99. Your location may be different

Interesting. The dark colours must be a US Costco thing. All my Canadian Costco Eneloops are white, for several years, including 2016.

The latest Eneloops at Costco’s in the USA are still made in Japan. How about in Canada?

Yes, the ones I ordered in November are Japanese. Date codes around summer 2016.

That’s good. I’ve read the Chinese versions aren’t as good.

Yeah, the only reason I buy Eneloops is because they’re still the made in Japan ones. If they switch to the Chinese versions here, I’ll start buying Duraloops or Ikealoops or some other no-name version.

Agreed. I’m going to Costco tomorrow and buying two more 10 packs and won’t open them until I really need them. Hopefully I’ll have enough to last me the rest of my life.

Yes, I’ve got a large supply of unopened packs that I realistically won’t get around to using for a few years.

But they last a long time. From my first 8 AA Eneloops I bought back in 2006, I only just noticed that 1 of them is finally showing reduced capacity at high-drain. It has about 75% capacity from original. The other 7 appear to still be holding up. I’m not sure if it still has full capacity at low-drain, but regardless that’s not bad for 10+ year old cells.

I haven’t used them anywhere close to 1000 cycles (the generation 1 cycle count), but at 10 years old, I presume age is a more significant factor than cycles. I’ll continue to use them, and see how many more years I get. When they can no longer be used in flashlights, perhaps I’ll stick them in remotes. Or maybe they’ll just die completely. Interesting to see what happens to them, as I’ve never killed an Eneloop before.

The only other significant reduction in Eneloop capacity I’ve seen are to a couple of 3rd gen cells that I ran in a 4sevens light that gets way too hot when left to tailstand. After a few times letting them cook in it (I could smell them), they’re down to about 90% capacity. So high heat is not good for Eneloops.

Does anyone in the Asian eneloop market know anything about the Monochrome eneloops? Made in China I believe. Kinda confusing to have black basic eneloops compared to the eneloop pro.

Id like to get some more info, product codes, original product photo`s

Only found this:

and now also this one:

To me, that’s weird enough to be suspicious of fakery. I don’t think Panasonic would be stoopit enough to ruin their own widely-known color coding pattern telling between regulars and Pros like this.

Are those actually black, or could they be different shades of gray & charcoal?

I dont think they are fake. They are (supposed to be) China-made eneloops. But it`s really hard to find more information. I`m unable to find it on the chinese eneloop website.

Chinese made eneloops used to show 65% capacity remaining after 5 years on their packaging…(about 2 years ago)
But now since the Japan-made eneloops show 70% remaining after 10 years, the Chinese made eneloops show 70% remaining after 5 years…

The 70% remaining after 5 years used to be for Japan-made loops.

I think that the coding BK-3MCCE is for the european market, the BK-3MCCA is mainly for the North American market (canada amazon). But the confusing thing is that the batteries sold in China are also called MCCA and seem to be made in Japan.
Japan stayed with 3MCC ....to keep it simple.

I`m currently working on my new website, and just finished my limited edition page http://eneloop101.com/batteries/eneloop-limited-edition/

More coming soon!

I just started reading your website - lots good work there! Bravo! :+1: