Review request for HKJ [Rechargeable Batteries]

Anyone who has followed you through the years knows of your high integrity and professionalism through your testing. You are not bought!
We all appreciate your time, effort and money spent to test all of the electronics for all of us. Keep up the good work. And thank you. :beer:

He might the first flashlight guy with hands on a 21700 cell

But I dont see why manufactors switch to those cells before there is a market with protected cells established
Only if they want to sell their own cells with the lights to make more profit

It depends if people want to jump on a new type of batteries before they are established

Illumn has been selling them for about 2 weeks now.

HKJ, have you seen this ?
Vbatty representative wants to send you their 14500 cells.
I for one would be very interested in your review.

No, I have been busy today, but they did send a pm and I have answered that.
I do not know if they only plan on the 14500 cell or will include other cells.


I would be interested in test results from these newest Efest 18500 cells. I noticed that they provide a bit more amps to my flashlight builds than the lila version that you tested before.

I bought them at, and I’m not sure where else they have this version, even rookwinkel shows an older picture, I was surprised I got these. I could have two of these sent to you?

Panasonic/Sanyo NCR20700A. 30A and 3300mAh

That would be nice.

Out of stock at the current time.

Hey HKJ,

thanks to all the great reviews and tests. Since I know your site I don’t buy batteries without them reviewed by you. :wink:

What about testing the Liitokala 26650 cells?!

Get them on Gearbest quite cheap.

I already got them and have tested them, the review will be published soon.

Alright, thanks! That’s good news. :wink:

Later this year there will allegedly be a Panasonic/Sanyo NCR20700C cell available, rated at 30A like the 20700A but with 200-300 more mAh.

I am interested in testing it, if anybody see a link where I can get it (I am in EU), please post it.

How did your order end?

With this review: Test/review of Sanyo NCR20700B 4000mAh (Red)

TrustFire IMR 14500 3.7V 700mAh please. :slight_smile:

We’ve talked about it about 2 months ago. In the meanwhile I received them from KD. I believe they’re really good for their money.

I got them at that time, it is one of the review I have not published yet.

I’d mix up the manufacturer.
Look there, they ship to every country in the EU:

It is the A and the coming C model I am interested in links to, I have tested the B model.
There is also a NCR20*65*0A model, I do have that in queue (I was planning on getting the NCR20700A and did not notice the difference).