I will look for/order the LG, Samsung, Sanyo and the AWT will be undecided for now.
LG HG2 IMR 18650 3000 mAh20A
AWT IMR 18650 3000 mAh 35A
Samsung IMR 30Q 18650 3000mAh 15A ordered
LG INR18650 MJ1 3500mAh
Samsung INR18650-35E
Sanyo NCR18650GA 3.6V 3500 mAh
I have ordered all of these:
TrustFire IMR16340 3.7V 700mAh tested
TrustFire IMR14500 3.7V 700mAh tested
TrustFire IMR18350 3.7V 800mAh tested
Nitecore NL166 RCR123A 650mAh tested
Nitecore NL147 14500 750mAh arrived
Nitecore IMR18350 3.7V 700mAh tested
MKNE 26650 3500mAh arrived
I do have the test data for this, but have not gotten around to publish a review yet.
10180 li-ion battery For DQG Spy
I will take a close look at Ikea and their shipping charges. Arrived
I will look at the shipping charge for Philips Lithium. I would like some more lithium types (AAA+9V), but I checked two other dealers and they did not ship to Denmark.
To look at when my queue is shorter:
2600mah: https://www.fasttech.com/products/1420/10010486/2741100
3400mah: https://www.fasttech.com/products/1420/10010486/2740902
LiFePO4 batteries in 18650, 16340 AAA and AA
I will not get these at the current time, but if I run low on batteries to test I can get them fast.
Efest IMR26650 4200mAh https://www.akkuteile.de/efest-imr26650-mit-4200mah-3-7v-lithium-ionen-a…
Efest IMR26650 5200mAh https://www.akkuteile.de/lithium-ionen-akkus/26650/efest/efest-purple-im…
Again something I will add to the low priority queue:
HETER e: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/2pcs-lot-Original-26650-3-7V-450…
Olight 3600mAh: www.banggood.com/1PCS-Olight-3_6v-3600mah-Rechargeable-Protected-18650-Lithium-Battery-p-984322.html
Rechargeable batteries 4 x AA 2500mAh low self-discharge Case Vapextech 4897018594081 | eBay on order
My queue of LiIon below 2800mAh is just about empty and I am looking for suggestions for batteries to test.
Note: I do still have some tested batteries that are not published yet.