Ok, what do you want for Nov group buy from Dinodirect (updated 1st GB for 2012!!)

Also please check 81T83960-DD.

As far as the group buy for the C8 goes, I'd be only interested if it had XM-L T6 with no batteries and charger.

Hi friend, I have checked your order,and it will be sent in three days.

And for Klarus P1A , we dont have another activity, I think it has a good price now in our website.

Yeah, thats why I asked ;) (kreisleir bought 1 also, if I remember well). Looks like it's just because of New Year holidays :bigsmile: No problem with stock. Fiuf, now I can sleep peacefully :bigsmile:

Hi Summer, here is the light previously mentioned:


The previous sale price was $29.99 - It would be nice to see a sale for $24.00-$25.00 USD

You would move quite a bit of product with this sale, IMO.




@The Flashlight Turtle


What does the order status say now? Has it changed to approved or something??

Summer, can you check the status of this order for me?It is still no go? 40878628-DD

Also, do you have the P2A in stock finally?THanks!

I just received a picture from DD showing the content of my package which was shipped today and it is so ridiculous, 2 out of the 3 items are missing. They are shipping me only the batteries but not the flashlight, another item is missing too. :-(

Summer please check it out: 81T83960-DD

I'm also anxious with my order and contacted their CS, I was told that their having a bug with their system but rest assured that all my items was shipped on one package last Jan3, status until now is order paid and I also received a picture of my cart with only batteries to show.

Nope, still unapproved :(

DD seems to be running 100% messed up now. Absolutely nothing I have tried to do with them has gone right. I can’t even order from them or use a coupon and customer service is not responding. It would be a better bet to just throw your money in the gutter at this point and hope you get a flashlight than order from DD.
I suggest anyone who is thinking about dealing with DD to read some comments that have been posted recently. It is a gamble at the very best right now. They need to get their stuff sorted out before they ruin every last hope of ever doing business again.

Definitely putting all coming actions on-hold and see, when they wake up.

It may ship in three days.

Hi friend, I have checked your order, and all the items had been shipped, it may be the wrong picture. Have a nice day!

Hi friend, your products had been shipped in Dec 24th, have a nice day!

Hi friend, please give me your order number, I will check it for you.

Hi,friend ,thanks for your support ,

Group buy product performance parameter is higher than the single product ,so the price is higher than the items .

I got the classic..."Dont worry it will ship in 3 days."

I mean seriously? Thats like saying dont worry the check is in the mail. I will pay you next week dont worry. Wait here I will come right back, dont worry, hahahah.


i have sent her a PM today for the f***ed up Trustfire 14500 shipment (i received the cells today, but without the depicted ORIGINAL AUTHENTIC GENUINE HOLOGRAM STICKER). no answer so far.

i will keep the fake cells. but i want my money back

i will accept a generous giftcard though

So many times had i heard this from cute Spanish girls who seemed to be interested in having a RL chat with me. Sounded like a date (for the next day in the sandy dunes of the beautiful Spanish playas) and when i went there the next day, all groomed up like a hank honk hock or whatever

they/she never showed up.

Happen so many times before i realized that setting up a date with us bl**dy German tourists was no other means than to say "yeah, you're nice. but tomorrow is another day"

haha (not funny )
