Review request for HKJ [Chargers]

Hi Henrik

Any update on your test/review of the Olight Magnetic Charger.



I have just finished it, but it will probably be about two weeks before I publish it.

I’d like to request a review on this charging board:

Would be very interested if it was an ok charger for LiFePO4 cells as advertised.

Thank you,

Another interesting charger that may be useful. Interested in how it would perform charging LiFePO4 and Lithium Ion cells.\_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&\_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3Dadd7461396f149c9b4873df50ed4967b%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D401262677875
Thank you,
Quite cheap one cell simple-charger, even cheaper than the Lii-100

It will most likely be junk like most *fire chargers. It’s not worth the time, really.

I have ordered one. It will go in the low priority queue, i.e. it can be a long time before I publish a review.
There is a big risk it is a bad charger, UltraFire often is.
I found this while searching for a small but >1A charging circuit
This thing is interesting, because you can choose 4.2 or 8.2V - I think the charging current drops to 1A at 8.4V
also, the input-voltage can be pretty high.

If you are bored (lol)… :wink:

I have ordered one, but it will probably be a very long time before I get time to look at it.

Hi HKJ, there’s the new 4-slot charger Liitokala Lii-402:

It would be cool if you can lay your hands on one of these when they are available :slight_smile:

Zanflare C4 ?

I expect to test it, but I do not have any in queue and will very soon have a lot of other chargers in queue (DHL was supposed to deliver them today, but it looks like they where a bit too optimistic).

Sofirn, again - very cheap 8-slot charger.
But does it trickle charge and hurt LSD cells? Can’t tell.

Got a guess on this one?

I recall some chargers were wired so badly that they could put line voltage on the outside metal frame of cell phones.
Bad thing to take into a bathtub.

And there they are: cell phone charger hot voltage outside hand risk problem electrocution - Google Search

That is a major risk with any charger that get two skulls in my list: Index of tested and reviewed USB power supplies/chargers

Shouldn’t they installed RCD/RCCB on the breaker especially for bathroom in the US?

Probably only when they change an installation or make a new installation.

have you test this charger seems like an okay price for a 2A charging. Really lacking information, if its charging 2A at all slots that would be good.
AWT C4 charger

No, but it looks interesting. With the amount of chargers I have in queue just now, I will not order new chargers for test.
At a later day I expect to check this thread for interesting chargers.

I remember for that later day also a Nitecore SC4 . :smiley: