Oh my. Your quite out of date aren’t you?

Most of the bright blue lights you see are HID kits that have retrofitted. These have been popular for the last 10 or 12 years ever since the OEMs started using them. People just toss them in and don’t readjust their lights. Or else the light source is not where it should be and it messes up the beam pattern.

Leds in cars is a relatively new thing the last 2 or 3 years. There are not many out there on the road yet. Most led kits use big round leds that are bright (some are not), but don’t mix well with reflectors. Again the beam patterns get all screwed up.

Led headlights are still in their infancy and are moving away from fan cooled and huge emitters to passive cooling and small emitter groups that mimic the size, shape and location of the original filaments. These will give very good beam patterns as well as much more brightness.

On a projector light, the light source is less critical because you have the cutoff shield which prevents glare.

“Good” led lights for reflectors are quite hard to find.

Here are some “good” leds I found for my 86 Honda motorcycle that has a reflector headlight. Note the sharp cutoff (just like stock), plus it’s much brighter than stock.


“Good” led:

Here is the key to good beam pattern with LED.

Forget about it. The thread’s been hijacked by a bunch of people who clearly get enjoyment in annoying others. They’re in here specifically because they get a lot of visibility. You know, like a bunch of attention seeking teens with too much time on their hands, except without the excuse of being young. No amount of arguing will reason with people who don’t give a damn about others because “we’re having fun in here”.

Well personally I prefer the off topic banter than nothing at all when there is nothing to report, I suppose you would complain about lack of posts if there were days or even weeks between posts due to no off topic posts, besides where is the on topic content in your post :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways back to “we’re having fun in here”.

Cheers David

Hmm, in the people having fun in this thread I do not recognise ‘attention seeking’ and ‘enjoyment in annoying others’. I just see people having fun, that’s all, IMO off-topic fun is a good tradition on BLF (and there’s no age limit for that! :slight_smile: )

+1 :+1: … Thanks for saying that nicely David! I can now just agree with you and be spared writing something not so “pleasant”. :smiley:
Now… back to our regularly scheduled program of “childish attention seeking fun” while also patiently awaiting news of the Q8 variety. :wink:

Another well written, nice reply! +1 :+1:
You guys are great!!! You have litterally save me from death by RUDE button. :open_mouth:
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!! :smiley:

No, I would not. We’ve had slow weeks before in this thread and it was just fine. In fact, this thread was fine for the better part of a year. It’s only recently that it has become a mess.

I get it that people are waiting and bored and some have a lot of time to kill. But that does not have to be done in here. I mean, would you lot go stomp on RMM’s store thread that way? Surely not! At least not that I’ve seen so far on BLF. So why the lack of respect for this project?

And stop with the excuses of “just read the topic/first post”. You know very well that not everything discussed ends up in there. And that which does often does only after the discussion is done.

Well when something turns into something real like the car LEDs it would be nice to starts separate topic for it, if only to gt info easy to find strengthening the BLF knowledge base :wink:

Pilotdog68 has received his as well, yay

Is’nt it up to the OP to decide if (s)he wants/doesn’t want OT posts in his/her thread? In this case it is up to the miller to decide I guess, after all it’s his thread and he has to stay on top of things to keep the list updated and answer relevant questions.
I don’t really get annoyed by the OT chatter but when I see like +20 new posts I always hope for some relevant info (batteries, chargers, lenses, LED…) and it’s kind of a let down when it has nothing todo with the Q8. But if the Miller is ok with it who am I to complain. Life’s to short anyway to complain bout what I see on my screen.

So what’s up with the other 2 Q8 proto types? To who where they send and is there any tracking info?
Edit: ok Pilotdog got his jeey, must have posted simultaneously .

Who said it? “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

PD68 has his
Only DEL needs to receive it

I hope Thijsco and PD68 can find the time to post (a little) about their lights :wink:

So the title can be updated, since 6 out of 7 received their sample #3

Anybody else see where this could be going?

M4D M4X had his ‘New Blog’ discussion thread locked, and all posts except for the OP excluded once a Lynch Mob mentality took over, exacerbated by xenophobia and nationalistic slurs.

A thread questioning whether BLF has become less friendly answered it’s own query by bringing out pent up hostility from a single individual, initially aimed at one of the best known, highly respected, most humble, considerate, and generous contributors at BLF.

Once again, BLF’s guiding light and angel/overseer had to step in to provide a ‘Reality Adjustment’ by locking the thread.
Looking back, the Meteor Sales and Discussion thread generated the ‘How many Meteors do you own’ thread, giving birth to the Meteor GAW thread, and the ‘Why not a group buy for a decent SRK clone’ concept that has become known as this ‘Q8’ thread. Open ended discussion and free thought is fundamental for such evolution.

Creative processes stepping ‘outside the box’ are not like faucets able to be turned on and off. Left brain/right brain hemispheric interaction, logic inspired and/or stimulated by imagination along with open ended neural architecture juggling corollaries can be basic to genius thinking and problem solving. We might step into a shower, and then find an answer appearing in a flash when the logistical thought processes surrender themselves; listening to relaxing music, or meditation can do the same.

What seems like meandering, off topic foolishness can also be part of the ‘process’ TK mentions as being what interests her the most. I doubt many of the progenitors of the Q8 project need another flashlight; their reward is traveling the path, not merely arriving at the destination.

While Impatience, anxiety and frustration are forming a multi-headed monster hungry to consume another BLF thread, ThorFire could be wondering about the fugliness, eventually arriving at a conclusion such as Alexandra Wentworth was fond of offering during her days at Living Color….

“Chaaaaahh, you know vat???…….Unh Unh !!!


Thanks man, clearly I had a fixation (or a physical/emotional perturbation) from the playfully erotic, and more attractive Alexandra Wentworth at that time.
It was so bad, I never even noticed young Jennifer Lopez in the cast of dancers on Living Color back then.

All the world is a stage, with us as the players, and today we’re performing a modern mash-up adaptation of two mid-20th-century French titles — Waiting For Godot and No Exit. Each day we hear that Godot won’t be arriving today, but surely tomorrow, so we go around and around the same cyclical discussions while we wait. Over time we begin to notice the patterns and recognize the absurdity of the situation, and we seek to bring an end to it all… but the attempts reliably fail. There is no way out. Only then does the truth become clear — hell is other people. And so we laugh, we cry, and we resign ourselves to repeat it all again tomorrow.

On a related note, Q8 turned on its side makes a speech bubble and the symbol for infinity.

It’s a conspiracy, I tell you. This has been the Q8 team’s evil plan all along. There is no light, there is only endless banter!

Hey! You people stop being friendly and enjoying each others company while waiting! It’s annoying! :smiley: Oh, and stop smiling and having fun! *

As previously written the email notification will change subject after something important happened. When that happens if you don’t want to wade through the chatter just go to the first post in the thread to get the meat. This has been written before so some folks have no excuse for what they recently wrote. Except that they think that they can control people being friendly on a forum known for this sort of banter.

*Story time… I actually had a sometimes “boss” at work who made similar serious statements to what I wrote in jest. She was pure poison. She got the middle finger salute, done behind her back. She didn’t come out of her workspace very often. She was NOT a very nice person and had all the personality of a badger. In another area she would regularly threaten “her” workers jobs and after a time they told her to just “Go ahead!”, to her face. They still have their jobs and she was put into a cage out of our sight (there was some doubt as to her humanity) and shipped off to parts unknown. Maybe back to the hyena enclosure. It was a big place (1500+ workers) and misfits would regularly show up as they do in any cross section of society. They were tolerated for a time then gotten rid of if they didn’t straighten out. Once I had the dubious “pleasure” of having her as a distant supervisor (the same place she threatened the workers). In that time realizing I was the noob I kept my mouth shut and did more than what was required of me. If I was in conflict I did what I could to get along realizing I was the noob that had to fit in, and others weren’t going to change to suit me. I had more overall seniority, but none in that department.

There might be a good reason I wrote all of the above, or maybe I just had time, nothing better to do, and just wanted to take a walk down memory lane.


The Miller, That didn’t take too long! I wonder what sights it saw during it’s tour of the world?

:smiley: ……. If only #6 could speak. :wink:

I am not a number! I am a free flashlight!

That was an entirely different situation.
Personally, I think we are far from that and not even headed in that direction.

The Q8 is all but set. There will be no discussion about any changes to amount to anything…… Because there will be no changes.

Read the title &/or the OP if you don’t enjoy the friendly banter & remember Rule 9.

This is not a Space Shuttle launch.