I think that was Mad TV’s Nicole Sullivan doing the Vancome Lady. Good times. Lol

That part was not aimed at you specifically. Only the first paragraph was meant as a direct reply. Sorry about the confusion.

And no, I’m not going to name anyone as that’s useless.

For any & all interested…… Here is an on-topic Q8 announcement. Quoted below for any who might have missed it. :open_mouth:

A debt of gratitude.

I went back and edited the post using your correction.

As I added:………clearly I had a fixation (or a physical/emotional perturbation) from the playfully erotic, and more attractive Alexandra Wentworth at that time.
It was so bad, I never even noticed young Jennifer Lopez in the cast of dancers on Living Color back then.

Fair enough, :beer:

Cheers David

Beautiful! The pic of the guy holding the sign is priceless, pretty much say’s it all!

7 out of 7!

:+1: …. :smiley:

Hmmmm, out of date? I don’t think so…… :open_mouth:

Here is my newest model…….

Probably a bit out of date on the LED headlights. But not the HID’s.

That is why I included the codicil in the statement you quoted. My memory had started to rear it’s ugly head as I wrote that. :slight_smile:

That was some good headlight info you posted, thanks. :+1:

I just know I cuss oncoming cars that have those stark blue/white headlights.
My horse dislikes them too. :wink:

Pics or it didn’t happen :wink:
Any news on the springs? Guess that will be for next week…

No DEL has yet to receive his
Will change title to 6 out of 7 next time I do the list

Thorfire said they can do the spring as we asked:
Or better, I asked for this:

1mm wire thickness
10mm diameter base
6 or 7 mm diameter top
12 or 13mm height

So this means single bigger fatter springs instead of double springs?

Nice!!! :slight_smile:

Yep…. :+1:

Better to carry current and easier to bypass. :wink:


Sorry for the misinterpretation and false hope that i created by spreading around that everyone received their Q8 sample, since Del does not have his latest sample yet.
My bad
I think i am going sitting in to the corner and cry now

So everything is ready to go? Springs have been agreed upon and the firmware has been updated. I don’t think there where any other issues with these prototypes or am I missing something? So when PilotDog has played around with his light an DEL receives his and both don’t find any issues it’s a go right?

Ahhhhh - no word back bout the springs...

No argh on my part, Barry didn’t click are all
Springs how we want +
Manual 4 pages fine +
Manual in 4 pages means not able to store in tail +/-
Last is just Joechina making abbew cheat sheet for people to print and fold
Sorry will forward it now

Good idea… “false hope” might be contagious. :open_mouth: … :person_facepalming: …. :stuck_out_tongue:

BUT, on the other hand; who cares?? Honest mistake my friend. :smiley:

Carry on……… :beer:

Isn’t that enough on topic talk?